The ICTS campus is equipped with a state of the art first aid centre managed and maintained by Manipal Hospital. The first aid centre functions as the primary health centre. Two doctors (day and night time) and a nurse staff the centre. The first aid centre offers outpatient consultation services with a small pharmacy with general medicines given per the doctor's advice.


(Monday - Friday)

Saturday, Sunday & Holidays

6 am - 10 pm - Nurse

6 am to 10 pm - Nurse

10 pm - 6 am - Doctor

10 pm to 6am - Doctor


General Physician from Manipal Hospital:

Monday , Wednesday :: 10 am - 5 pm

Tuesday, Thursday, Friday :: 1 pm - 5 pm

Senior Medical Officer, AMO CHSS:

Tuesday, Thursday, Friday :: 11 am - 1 pm

No special OPDs hours, but the Senior Medical Officer is available on phone for any urgent consultation.

Apart from these, the centre conducts regular health talks and consultation by various specialists with the help of Manipal Hospital.

When required, specialist consultations and inpatient services are catered for by designated tertiary care hospitals in the vicinity of the ICTS campus. The centre has made a tie up with several hospitals in the vicinity to take care of the inpatient requirement. There is an on-site 24*7 ambulance with advance life support that is able to transport those needing inpatient care to nearby hospitals.

Nearby hospitals:

Contact number: +91 80 4653 6102