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Abhishek Dhar (ICTS-TIFR, India) and Sanjib Sabhapandit (RRI, India)
31 March 2014 to 12 April 2014
Raman Research Institute, Bangalore

This advanced level school was started in 2010 at the Raman Research Institute, Bangalore. The first four schools were held under the title RRI SCHOOL ON STATISTICAL PHYSICS. The 5th school in 2014 has been renamed as BANGALORE SCHOOL ON STATISTICAL PHYSICS and is being jointly organized by RRI and ICTS.

This is a pedagogical school, aimed at bridging the gap between masters-level courses and topics in statistical physics at the frontline of current research. It is intended for Ph.D. students, post-doctoral fellows and interested faculty members at the college and university level.

List of courses

Week - 1
(i) Introduction to stochastic processes – Abhishek Dhar and Sanjib Sabhapandit
(ii) Introduction to fluid dynamics and turbulence - Jayanta Bhattacharjee
(iii) Dissipative quantum systems - Sushanta Dattagupta

Week - 2
(iv) Bethe Ansatz: technique and applications - Kirone Mallick
(v) Introduction to random matrix theory - Satya Majumdar
(vi) Introduction to statistical field theory – Sumit Das

statphys  rriresin