Control theory is concerned with designing strategies that ensure the robust performance of a system by automatically adapting to changes in the environment. Biochemical pathways in the cell are responsible for processing environmental signals, inducing appropriate cellular responses, and regulating internal events such as gene expression. Through elaborate mechanisms, they allow cells and entire organisms to perform their basic functions. The key role played by feedback in life are manifested in the homeostatic control and regulation of biochemical pathways, which break down nutrients and provide the cell with energy and materials, and their appropriate timing in functions. Recent years have witnessed remarkable advances in elucidating the components of cellular pathways and networks of genes. They provide a snapshot of the complete genetic activity of a cell, yet the overall connectivity and functional characteristics are still poorly understood - a fundamental lacuna in understanding their control architecture. Several mathematical tools based on control-theoretic thinking have already begun making a contribution in the understanding of the robustness and evolvability in designs of real biochemical pathways. Some examples are the theory of monotone input-output systems, feedback control theory, etc. Optimization techniques (Flux Balance Analysis) are being applied to pathways as it is assumed that biological organisms generally optimize there metabolic pathways for growth. Such applications are useful in designing pathways for addressing host-parasite interactions and pathway engineering. This satellite symposium will explore the close analogies between biochemical regulatory networks and engineered automatic control systems. Feedback, which is a central theme in such analogies, and the role of stochasticity, common in intracellular setting, will be explored in connection to fault-tolerant systems in pathways.
At the symposium, internationally known researchers will discuss relevant mathematical foundations and model systems from biology that would enhance interdisciplinary discussions. The emphasis will be on mathematical theory along with their application. This conference precedes the International Congress of Mathematics to be held at Hyderabad (ICM2010).
Dr. Somdatta Sinha
Centre for Cellular & Molecular Biology (CCMB)
Uppal Road, Hyderabad 500007, INDIA
Phone: +91 40 27192588
Fax: +91 40 27160591; 27160311
Prof. M. Vidyasagar
Erik Jonsson School of Engineering & Computer Science,
The University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, TX 75080- 3021, USA
V.S. Borkar, School of Technology and Computer Science, TIFR, Mumbai, India
Vijaysekhar Chellaboina, ATC, TCS, Hyderabad, India
Philip Maini, Centre for Mathematical Biology, Oxford University, UK
Ram Rup Sarkar, Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology, Hyderabad, India
i) Last date for Early Bird Registration: June 15, 2010
Fees: Rs. 4000 (Indians);
$100 (participants from outside India)
ii) Last date for Late Registration: July 15, 2010
Fees: Rs. 5000 (Indians);
$125 (participants from outside India)
iii)Onsite Registration: Depending on availability
Fees: Rs. 6000 (Indians);
$150 (participants from outside India)
Registration fee entitles attendance to the meeting, Lunch, Tea/Coffee during meeting and Registration material. Selected participants will be informed about the procedure for payment of registration fees. Registration is a prerequisite for all presenters and attendees.
Few papers will be selected for oral presentation (15-20 min).
Title, Affiliation and Abstract (within 150 words) of the paper should be submitted to the organiser by E-mail (
Last date for submission: May 30, 2010
Notification of selection: June 07, 2010
Registration is compulsory for the presenter of the paper
The hotel Novotel (adjacent to HICC - has offered special rates for those who may like to stay with them. Those who wish to stay at the venue may make reservations directly by writing to mentioning the name of the conference to avail the special conference rate. Check-in and Check-out timings are 1400hrs and 1200hrs respectively.
Those who need other types of accommodation may check the ICM website for hotel information and bookings ( . Shared accommodation (room only) may be arranged on request (on payment-basis) in nearby Budget Hotels and Guest Houses. Charges would be approximately Rs.1300/- per room per night.
Hyderabad has an international airport ( served by several airlines from Europe and other countries. It is also connected to all major cities in India both by air and rail. The conference will start at 9AM on August 16, and will end by 6PM on August 18, 2010. Arrival and departure may be planned accordingly. Note that foreigners require a visa to enter India. Formal invitation letters can be sent on request. More details on how to reach the venue and other information will be available here later. Arrival information should be intimated to organisers by July 15, 2009
Partial financial support may be available to students, postdoctoral fellows and young scientists.

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