Strings School 2015 is intended to introduce a wide range of basic background material for the latest developments in String theory, Quantum Field Theory and Gravity to senior graduate students and young postdocs. Another purpose of the School is to prepare young researchers for the Strings 2015 conference which will take place in the same venue immediately following the School, and bring about interactions and exchange of ideas among young physicists at a global level.
The areas chosen for the School span most active areas of research in string theory over the last several years. The lectures will cover a selection of basic material as well as advanced topics at the forefront of current research. Leading physicists representing these areas of research will be giving lectures. The list of topics is given below:
- Precision studies of black holes
- Dynamical aspects of AdS/CFT
- Higher Spin AdS/CFT
- Exact results in SUSY gauge theories
- Entanglement entropy
- C-theorems in various dimensions
- Hydrodynamics
- String perturbation theory
- Conformal Bootstrap
Besides the lectures, the School will feature structured group discussions and lunch sessions with lecturers to achieve maximum interactions.

- Talks
- Other links