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Kaapi with Kuriosity
Arvind Gupta (Children’s Science Center, IUCAA - former)
4:00 pm to 6:00 pm Sunday, 19 August 2018
J. N. Planetarium, Sri T. Chowdaiah Road, High Grounds, Bangalore

Before children can understand anything, they need experience: seeing, touching, hearing, tasting, smelling, choosing, arranging, putting things together, taking things apart. Children need to experiment with real things available in their milieu. For close to 40 years Arvind Gupta has designed science teaching aids to make science fun for children. They include simple pumps, electric motors and generators. Children love toys which spin, fly, move and make sound. These toys are made with simple materials often with discarded stuff – old plastic bottles, tetrapaks, newspapers, straws, old pens etc. This lecture-demonstration will show the possibilities of using simple things to make science fun, so that the poorest children in the world can use them.



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