One of the basic problems in mathematics is the description of the absolute Galois group G of the field Q of rational numbers. This group is so large and complicated that conjecturally all finite groups can be realized as its quotients. Arguments in Galois cohomology reduce many of the fundamental questions of arithmetic geometry to the study of G.
A fruitful approach to understanding this group is through its representations; the study of one-dimensional representations constitutes global class field theory. Some forty years ago, a vast program aimed at understanding all representations of G was advanced. More recently, some very precise conjectures about the 2-dimensional representations of G were put forward. Major success has been achieved in the past decades in proving these conjectures through the combined efforts of several mathematicians. This conference will bring together some of the people who have made seminal contributions to these developments.
Interested researchers are requested to fill in the registration form and send it to the following email address:
The last date for application is February 28, 2010.
Financial Support:
Limited budgetary support is available to a small number of participants other than the invited speakers. Applicants are requested to mention the extent of support needed, in their applications. Applicants should clearly state if they can find other sources of funds for accommodation.
Please note that the accommodation can be arranged for the outstation participants of this program at the International Centre, Goa during August 09-12, 2010, on request.
Accommodation option other than the international Centre, Goa. There is an excellent resort called Cidade de Goa close to the venue of the conference. Interested participants can directly book there, and they should mention in their application whether they would prefer this option.