Category: Journal Collection

Publisher: Springer (Link)


Atmospheric and Oceanic Optics is a peer-reviewed journal that publishes original articles relevant to a wide range of problems of atmospheric and oceanic optics, ecology, and climate. The journal focuses on experimental and theoretical works on scattering and transfer of optical waves, spectroscopy of atmospheric gases, turbulent and nonlinear optical phenomena, adaptive optics, remote (ground-based, airborne, and spaceborne) sensing of the atmosphere and the surface, methods for solving inverse problems of atmospheric and oceanic optics, new equipment for optical investigations, development of software and databases for optical studies. Atmospheric and Oceanic Optics is no longer a translation journal. It publishes manuscripts originally submitted in English and translated works. The sources of content are indicated at the article level. The peer review policy of the journal is independent of the manuscript source and ensures a fair and unbiased evaluation process for all submissions. As part of its aim to become an international publication, the journal welcomes submissions in English from all countries. | Springer