Current & Upcoming Colloquia
ICTS Colloquium

Abhishodh Prakash
10 September 2024, 16:00 to 17:30
Emmy Noether Seminar Room, ICTS Bengaluru
There is a long-standing quest to find settings where many-body dynamics cannot be described by conventional statistical mechanics. Typically, this happens when the ergodic hypothesis, on which statistical mechanics is founded, is strongly violated. Disorder is an often-employed recipe. In this...more
Monthly Colloquium

Shyama Narendranath
17 September 2024, 15:30 to 17:00
Madhava Lecture Hall
Moon is thought to have formed from a giant impact on young Earth in the early days of Solar System formation. Since then it has been a witness to the the history of events that have shaped the inner Solar System. Moon is also a planetary body that humans have access to, and where permanent...more