Cell for Prevention and Resolution of Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (CPRSHWW) | ICTS

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This committee acts as an "Internal Complaints Committee", which has been set up in accordance with the directives of Honorable Supreme Court of India to ensure safety, security and dignity of women at workplace. The same committee addresses complaints from all genders.

Its mandate includes:

  • To create a congenial working environment which is free of sexual harassment or gender based  discrimination for all women employees and students.
  • To heighten awareness and sensitivity to this important issue amongst all concerned
  • To look into instances of sexual harassment of women at workplace and recommend measures for promoting gender equality and gender amity

(w.e.f. 12th January 2024)



Guidelines for Prevention and Resolution of Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace [English, Hindi, Kannada]



Any issues relating to sexual harassment at the workplace can be brought to any of these members in confidence or submitting a written complaint or sending an email to womencell  ictsresin. In addition, do not hesitate to bring such matters to any member of the faculty or senior administration.