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The faculty members carry out cutting-edge research, provide intellectual leadership, define research directions for theoretical sciences, and provide the basis for a continuing and permanent scientific culture at the Centre.

The scientific questions that drive the present ICTS faculty research are from the broad areas of Complex systems: Non-linear dynamics and Data assimilation, Statistical physics, Fluid dynamics and turbulence, Condensed matter physics, Physical biologySpace-time physics: String theory and Quantum field theory, Astrophysical relativityMathematics: Differential geometry, Mathematical physics, Dynamical systems, Data assimilation, Monsoon dynamics, Analysis of partial differential equations and applications, Algebraic Geometry and Probability Theory​. 

Gravitational-Wave Physics and Astrophysics

Dean - Programs and Activities

  +91 80 4653 6210
 ajith  ictsresin
Probability Theory
  +91 80 4653 6180
 athreya  ictsresin
Probability Theory
  +91 80 4653 6130
 anirbanbasak  ictsresin
Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics, Plasma Astrophysics
  +91 80 4653 6240
 pallavibhat  ictsresin
Condensed Matter Physics: Strongly Correlated Systems
  +91 80 4653 6250
 subhro  ictsresin
Biological Fluid Flows, Soft, and Active Matter
  +91 80 4653 6225
 bratochakrabarti  ictsresin
Condensed Matter Physics and Statistical Mechanics

ICTS Endowed Visiting Professor

  +91 80 4653 6150
 chandandasgupta  ictsresin
Mathematical Physics and Geometry
  +91 80 4653 6260
 rukmini  ictsresin
Statistical Physics

INSA Distinguished Professor

  +91 80 4653 6235
 deepakdhar  ictsresin
High Energy Physics, String Theory

Dean Emeritus and Visiting Professor

  +91 80 4653 6030
 adhar  ictsresin
Non-equilibrium Statistical Mechanics
  +91 80 4653 6270
 abhishekdhar  ictsresin
Quantum Field Theory and String Theory

Centre Director, ICTS-TIFR

  +91 80 4653 6021
 rajeshgopakumar  ictsresin
Fluid Dynamics

Dean - Academic

  +91 80 4653 6370
 rama  ictsresin
Ecology and Evolution, Physical Biology

Simons Young Researcher, Ramanujan Fellow

  +91 80 4653 6190
 akshitg  ictsresin
Gravitational-Wave Physics, Analytical Relativity

ICTS Endowed Visiting Professor

  +91 80 4653 6360
 balaiyer  ictsresin
Condensed Matter Theory

ICTS Endowed Visiting Professor

  +91 80 4653 6150
 hrkrishnamurthy  ictsresin
Physical Biology and Soft Condensed Matter Physics
  +91 80 4653 6290
 vijaykumar  ictsresin
Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics
  +91 80 4653 6220
 manaskulkarni  ictsresin
Statistical Physics, Stochastic process
  +91 80 4653 6310
 anupamkundu  ictsresin
String theory, quantum gravity, quantum field theory
  +91 80 4653 6245
 raghumahajan  ictsresin
Quantum Field Theory, String Theory, Statistical Physics

Senior Visiting Professor

  +91 80 4653 6265
 gautammandal  ictsresin
Optical and Statistical Physics, Radio Astronomy

ICTS Endowed Visiting Professor

  +91 80 4653 6154
 rajaramnityananda  ictsresin
Algebraic Geometry, Mathematical Physics
  +91 80 4653 6160
 pranavpandit  ictsresin
Quantum algorithms and simulations

Visiting Professor

 apoorvapatel  ictsresin
String Theory, Black Hole Physics and Quantum Field Theory
  +91 80 4653 6320
 nayagam  ictsresin
String Theory and Quantum Gravity
  +91 80 4653 6330
 suvrat  ictsresin
Statistical and Condensed Matter Physics, Active Matter

ICTS Endowed Visiting Professor

 sriramramaswamy  ictsresin
Condensed Matter Physics

ICTS Endowed Senior Professor

  +91 80 4653 6170
 sumathirao  ictsresin
Condensed Matter Physics and Statistical Mechanics
  +91 80 4653 6120
 sthitadhiroy  ictsresin
General Relativity, Quantum Information, Geometry and Topology in Physics

ICTS Endowed Visiting Professor

  +91 80 4653 6150
 sam  ictsresin
Turbulence, Non-equilibrium Statistical Mechanics, and Fluid Dynamics
  +91 80 4653 6340
 ssray  ictsresin
String Theory

ICTS-Infosys Madhava Chair Professor

  +91 80 4653 6030
 ashokesen  ictsresin
Oceanography, Monsoon variability

ICTS Endowed Visiting Professor

 debasissengupta  ictsresin
Geophysical Fluid Dynamics

Joint faculty: ICTS and TIFR-CAM, Bengaluru

  +91 80 4653 6140
 jimthomas  ictsresin
Physical Biology and Soft Condensed Matter Physics

Joint Faculty - NCBS and ICTS, Bengaluru

 shashi  ncbsresin
Partial Differential Equations, Dynamical Systems and Their Applications
  +91 80 4653 6350
 vishalvasan  ictsresin
Lie Groups and Arithmetic Groups

DAE Raja Ramanna Chair

  +91 80 4653 6215
 tnvenkataramana  ictsresin
String Theory and Quantum Gravity

Infosys-ICTS Homi Bhabha Chair Professor

  +91 80 4653 6010
 spentawadia  ictsresin
Former members
IIT Madras
Fast algorithms, Numerical linear algebra, Approximation theory, Data assimilation, Computational statistics
Dynamical Systems and Data Assimilation
Witwatersrand University, Johannesburg
String Theory, Statistical Physics