ICTS-TIFR, Bengaluru
Area of Research:
Mathematical Physics and Geometry
+91 80 4653 6260

Academic profile:
- April 2015 onwards: Faculty at ICTS
- 2004- March 2015: Faculty at Harish-Chandra Research Institute
- July 2003- Dec 2004:Faculty at IIT Kanpur (on lien from HRI)
- Oct 2001-2003: Faculty at Harish-Chandra Research Institute
- Feb-Sept 2001: Postdoc at ISI, Kolkata
- Sept 1998-2001: R.H. Bing Instructor, U.T. Austin
- Sept 1992-June 1998: Grad student at S.U.N.Y. at Stony Brook
- (Thesis advisor: Professor Leon Takhtajan)
- Aug 1987-May1992: IIT Kanpur, MSc in mathematics
Current research interest:
Geometry: I study Minimal surfaces in R^3 which are idealized soap films. They are zero mean curvature surfaces -- I study the wonderful mathematics behind them. I also study Constant mean curvature surfaces in R^3 and Maximal surfaces in Lorentz-Minkowski 3-space, Born-Infeld solitons and Time-like Minimal surfaces.
Mathematical physics: Quantization: Berezin quantization, Deformation quantization, Geometric Quantization; Coherent and Squeezed states.
Geometric Quantization (especially geometric quantization) of various moduli spaces of solutions of equations coming from physics;
Quantization (especially geometric quantization) of certain Integrable systems.