ICTS Endowment | ICTS

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Where your gift will make a real difference

  • Two Chair Professorships: $60,000 per Chair per year
  • Two Visiting Chair Professorships for 'Paired Research': $60,000 per Chair per year
  • Three Early Career Fellowships: $15,000 per fellowship per year
  • Ten Undergraduate Fellowships: $7,000 per fellowship per year
  • Three Visiting Research Collaborations: $8,000 per collaboration per year
  • Thematic Research Programs on Indian Monsoon, Data Science, etc.: $30,000 per program
Infrastructure and Facilities

All gifts made by Indian or US taxpayers are eligible for tax deduction.

For ICTS to be internationally competitive in attracting the best minds, it needs resources on a higher scale and with much more flexibility. The peer institutions we are measuring ourselves up to internationally, have been built on the solid foundations of very generous endowments. A secure endowment will enable ICTS to deploy the resources needed to fulfil its dreams.
Watch the video to learn more about the ICTS vision:
For more on how ICTS can play a transformative role in Indian science read this two part article.

Your support for ICTS will help:

  1. Top experts in various disciplines worldwide come and spend time at ICTS and interact with Indian scientists.
  2. Establish long-term research fellowships for the best undergraduate students in India to carry out research at ICTS in their final year.
  3. Create special postdoc fellowships to attract the best students who have completed their Ph.D. at top institutions worldwide.
  4. Our science outreach lecture series including Kaapi with Kuriosity.
If you would like to know more about what your support will be used for, you could learn more here.
Click here to read what some of our supporters have to say

David Gross
It is wonderful to see the dreams we had of establishing a Centre for Theoretical Physics in India being realized. I am very impressed with the remarkable developments since the inauguration in 2009. Visiting the site I could see a beautiful facility where cutting edge theory is being pursued with dynamic leadership at the top, with an initial first-rate faculty – nothing can stop this from happening. For those of us who have tried to help from afar these developments make us proud.
David Gross (KITP, Santa Barbara), Nobel Laureate, Physics, 2004
Chair, International Advisory Board

Manjul Bhargava
It has truly been an honor and privilege to be a part of the International Advisory Board of the ICTS, and to watch the ICTS grow from a dream into reality. ICTS, now at 10, has already begun to re-shape and significantly enhance the science research landscape of India, through its outstanding programs and lecture series for scientists and for the public, and through the high-level research activities of its faculty and students. I am confident that the next 10 years will bring ICTS to even greater heights!
Manjul Bhargava (Princeton University)
Fields Medallist 2014, Member, ICTS International Advisory Board
All gifts made by Indian or US taxpayers are eligible for tax deduction.