Academic Profile:
- Assistant Professor of Physics (Tenure-Track), City University of New York, USA, 2014-2016
- Post-Doctoral Research Associate, Princeton University, NJ, USA, 2012-2014
- Post-Doctoral Fellow, University of Toronto, CANADA, 2011-2012
- Ph.D in Physics: State University of New York at Stony Brook, USA (co-advisor at Brookhaven National Laboratory, USA) , 2011
- Masters in Physics: State University of New York at Stony Brook, USA, 2007
- Bachelors Honors in Physics: St. Stephens College, University of Delhi, India, 2005
Curriculum Vitae (updated as of March 2025) : CV
Research Interests:
My current research interests include:
♦ Quasi-periodic and disordered systems ♦ Nonlinear Hydrodynamics ♦ Dynamical Critical Phenomenon ♦ Connections to Random Matrix Theory ♦ Many Body Localization ♦ Spatio-temporal spread of perturbations ♦ Large-N field theory of low dimensional systems ♦ Fluctuations, Correlations and Large Deviations in interacting many particle systems ♦ Cold Atomic Systems
Integrable systems, field theory and mathematical physics
♦ Discrete and continuum integrable systems ♦ Solitons, Dualities ♦ Generalised Hydrodynamics ♦ Stochastic and Deterministic PDE’s ♦ Reduction of complex dynamics to chiral field theories
1. Madhumita Saha, Postdoctoral Fellow
2. Debojyoti Kundu, Postdoctoral Fellow
3. Rekha Kumari, Postdoctoral Fellow
4. Indranil Mukherjee, Postdoctoral Fellow
Ex members [next affiliation]:
2. Jincheng Lu, Project Student [Graduate student, Soochow University, China]
3. Swetlana Swarup, Project Student [Graduate student, University of Minnesota, USA]
6. Aritra Kumar Gon, Project Student [Graduate Student, TIFR Mumbai, India]
7. Abhinav Sundar, IASc. Summer Fellow [Texas Instruments]
16. Urbashi Satpathi, Postdoctoral Fellow [Postdoctoral Fellow, Ben Gurion University, Israel]
M. Prasad, S. H. Tekur, B. K. Agarwalla, M. Kulkarni, arXiv:2503.13387 (2025), "Assessment of spectral phases of non-Hermitian quantum systems through complex and singular values" [18 March 2025]
S. Jose, M. Kulkarni, V. Vasan, arXiv:2502.15159 (2025), "Emergence of coupled Korteweg-de Vries equations in m fields" [21 Feb 2025]
K. Ganguly, P. Gopalakrishnan, A. Naik, B. K. Agarwalla, M. Kulkarni, arXiv:2501.12110 (2025), "Quantum trajectories and Page-curve entanglement dynamics" [21 Jan 2025]
M. Saha, B. K. Agarwalla, M. Kulkarni, A. Purkayastha, Phys. Rev. B 111, L041405 (2025), "Arbitrary order transfer matrix exceptional points and van Hove singularities", [23 January 2025]
J. Kethepalli, M. Kulkarni, A. Kundu, H. Spohn, J. Stat. Mech. (2025) 033101 (2025), "Lax random matrices from Calogero systems" [10 March 2025]
M. Kulkarni, S. N. Majumdar, S. Sabhapandit, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 58 105003 (2025), "Dynamically emergent correlations in bosons via quantum resetting", [10 March 2025]
M. Saha, B. K. Agarwalla, M. Kulkarni, A. Purkayastha, Phys. Rev. B 111, 125412 (2025), "Effect of order of transfer matrix exceptional points on transport at band edges", [19 March 2025]
C. Aron, M. Kulkarni, arXiv:2412.21043 (2024), "Control of spatiotemporal chaos by stochastic resetting" [30 Dec 2024]
A. Ghatak, D. H. Kaltsas, M. Kulkarni, K. G. Makris, Phys. Rev. E 110, 064228 (2024), "Diffraction and pseudospectra in non-Hermitian quasiperiodic lattices", [31 Dec 2024]
S. H. Tekur, M. S. Santhanam, B. K. Agarwalla, M. Kulkarni, Phys. Rev. B 110, L241410 (2024), "Higher-order gap ratios of singular values in open quantum systems", [24 Dec 2024]
K. Ganguly, M. Kulkarni, B. K. Agarwalla, Phys. Rev. B 110, 235425 (2024), "Transport in open quantum systems in presence of lossy channels", [24 Dec 2024]
A. Dhawan, K. Ganguly, M. Kulkarni, B. K. Agarwalla, Phys. Rev. B 110, L081403 (2024), "Anomalous transport in long-ranged open quantum systems", [9 August 2024]
T. Ray, M. Kulkarni, Phys. Rev. A 110, 032220 (2024), "Ergodic and chaotic properties in Tavis-Cummings dimer: quantum and classical limit", [26 September 2024]
J. Kethepalli, M. Kulkarni, A. Kundu, S. N. Majumdar, D. Mukamel, G. Schehr, J. Stat. Mech. (2024) 083206 (2024), "Full counting statistics of 1d short-range Riesz gases in confinement", [15 August 2024]
M. Saha, M. Kulkarni, A. Dhar, Phys. Rev. Lett. 133, 230402 (2024), "Generalised Hydrodynamics description of the Page curve-like dynamics of a freely expanding fermionic gas", [04 Dec 2024], See commentary on our work by Masaki Oshikawa (Tokyo), “Expanding Fermi Gas and Black Hole Information”, https://doi.org/10.36471/JCCM_January_2025_02.
D. Roy, A. Dhar, K. Khanin, M. Kulkarni, H, Spohn, J. Stat. Mech. (2024) 033209 (2024), "Universality in coupled stochastic Burgers systems with degenerate flux Jacobian", [12 January 2024]
S. Gupta, H. K. Yadalam, M. Kulkarni, C. Aron, Phys. Rev. A 109, L050201 (2024), "Quantum jumps in driven-dissipative disordered many-body systems", [6 May 2024]
M. Biroli, M. Kulkarni, S. N. Majumdar, G. Schehr, Phys. Rev. E 109, L032106 (2024), "Dynamically emergent correlations between particles in a switching harmonic trap", [11 March 2024]
B. Ghosh, S. Mohanta, M. Kulkarni, B. K. Agarwalla, J. Stat. Mech. (2024) 063101 (2024), "Impact of dephasing probes on incommensurate lattices", [10 June 2024]
D. Roy, A. Dhar, H. Spohn, M. Kulkarni, Phys. Rev. E 110, 044110 (2024), "Nonequilibrium spin transport in integrable and non-integrable classical spin chains", [8 Oct 2024]
M. Kulkarni, S. N. Majumdar, Phys. Rev. A 108, 062210 (2023), "Generating Entanglement by Quantum Resetting", [13 December 2023]
D. Bagchi, J. Kethepalli, V. B. Bulchandani, A. Dhar, D. A. Huse, M. Kulkarni, A. Kundu, Phys. Rev. E 108, 064130 (2023), "Unusual ergodic and chaotic properties of trapped hard rods", [20 December 2023]
M. Kulkarni, S. N. Majumdar, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 56, 385003 (2023), "First detection probability in quantum resetting via random projective measurements", [5 September 2023]
S. Ghosh, M. Kulkarni, S. Roy, Phys. Rev. B 108, L060201 (2023), "Eigenvector Correlations Across the Localisation Transition in non-Hermitian Power-Law Banded Random Matrices", [19 Apr 2023]
M. Saha, M. Kulkarni, B. K. Agarwalla, Phys. Rev. B 108, 075406 (2023), "Exceptional hyper-surfaces of transfer matrices of finite-range lattice models and their consequences on quantum transport properties", [6 April 2023]
S. Pandey, J. M. Bhat, A. Dhar, S. Goldstein, D. A. Huse, M. Kulkarni, A. Kundu, J. L. Lebowitz, J. Stat. Phys. 190, 142 (2023), "Boltzmann entropy of a freely expanding quantum ideal gas", [22 March 2023]
D. Roy, D. A. Huse, M. Kulkarni, Phys. Rev. E 108, 054112 (2023), "Out-of-time-ordered correlator in the one-dimensional Kuramoto-Sivashinsky and Kardar-Parisi-Zhang equations", [8 November 2023]
A. Agarwal, M. Kulkarni, D. H. J. O'Dell, Phys. Rev. A 108, 013312 (2023), "Caustics in the sine-Gordon model from quenches in coupled 1D Bose gases", [20 January 2023]
D. Tupkary, A. Dhar, M. Kulkarni, A. Purkayastha, Phys. Rev. A 107, 062216 (2023), "Searching for Lindbladians obeying local conservation laws and showing thermalization", [5 January 2023]
J. Kethepalli, D. Bagchi, A. Dhar, M. Kulkarni, A. Kundu, Phys. Rev. E 107, 044101 (2023), "Finite temperature equilibrium density profiles of integrable systems in confining potentials", [4 April 2023]
A. Trivedi, S. Gupta, B. K. Agarwalla, A. Dhar, M. Kulkarni, A. Kundu, S. Sabhapandit, Phys. Rev. A 108, 052204 (2023), "Filling an empty lattice by local injection of quantum particles", [2 November 2023]
M. Saha, B. K. Agarwalla, M. Kulkarni, A. Purkayastha, Phys. Rev. B 108, L161115 (2023), "Environment assisted superballistic scaling of conductance", [31 October 2023]
M. Kulkarni, P. Le Doussal, S. N. Majumdar, G. Schehr, Phys. Rev. A 107, 023302 (2023), "Density profile of noninteracting fermions in a rotating 2d trap at finite temperature", [3 February 2023]
S. Ghosh, S. Gupta, M. Kulkarni, Phys. Rev. B 106, 134202 (2022), "Spectral Properties of Disordered Interacting Non-Hermitian Systems", [6 October 2022]
M. Prasad, A. Prakash, J. H. Pixley, M. Kulkarni, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 57 015003 (2023), "Long-ranged spectral correlations in eigenstate phases", [18 December 2023]
D. Roy, A. Dhar, H. Spohn, M. Kulkarni, Phys. Rev. B 107, L100413 (2023), "Robustness of Kardar-Parisi-Zhang scaling in a classical integrable spin chain with broken integrability", [20 March 2023]
M. Saha, B. K. Agarwalla, M. Kulkarni, A. Purkayastha, Phys. Rev. Lett. 130, 187101 (2023), "Universal subdiffusive behavior at band edges from transfer matrix exceptional points", [2 May 2023]
M. Prasad, H. K. Yadalam, M. Kulkarni, C. Aron, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 57 015308 (2023), "Transition to chaos in extended systems and their quantum impurity models", [15 December 2023]
T. Ray, A. Dey, M. Kulkarni, Phys. Rev. A 106, 042610 (2022), "Localization and delocalization in networks with varied connectivity", [17 October 2022]
M. Prasad, H. K. Yadalam, C. Aron, M. Kulkarni, Phys. Rev. A 105, L050201 (2022), "Dissipative quantum dynamics, phase transitions and non-Hermitian random matrices", [11 May, 2022]
J. Kethepalli, M. Kulkarni, A. Kundu, S. N. Majumdar, D. Mukamel, G. Schehr, J. Stat. Mech. (2022) 033203 (2022), "Edge fluctuations and third-order phase transition in harmonically confined long-range systems", [10 March 2022]
D. Tupkary, A. Dhar, M. Kulkarni, A. Purkayastha, Phys. Rev. A 105, 032208 (2022), "Fundamental limitations in Lindblad descriptions of systems weakly coupled to baths", [16 March 2022]
S. Santra, J. Kethepalli, S. Agarwal, A. Dhar, M. Kulkarni, A. Kundu, Phys. Rev. Lett. 128, 170603 (2022), "Gap statistics for confined particles with power-law interactions", [29 April 2022]
- V. B. Bulchandani, M. Kulkarni, J. E. Moore, X. Cao, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 54, 474001 (2021), "Kinetic theory of Calogero particles", [01 November 2021]
- J. Kethepalli, M. Kulkarni, A. Kundu, S. N. Majumdar, D. Mukamel, G. Schehr, J. Stat. Mech, 2021, 103209 (2021), "Harmonically confined long-ranged interacting gas in the presence of a hard wall", [22 October 2021]
- A. K. Chatterjee, M. Kulkarni, A. Kundu, Phys. Rev. E 104, 044136 (2021), "Dynamical regimes of finite temperature discrete nonlinear Schrödinger chain", [28 October 2021]
- R. Nimiwal, U. Satpathi, V. Vasan, M. Kulkarni, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 54, 425701 (2021), "Soliton-like behaviour in non-integrable systems", [27 September 2021]
- B. Kiran, D. A. Huse, M. Kulkarni, Phys. Rev. E 104, 044117 (2021), "Spatio-temporal spread of perturbations in power-law models at low temperatures: Exact results for OTOC", [18 October 2021]
- S. Roy, S. Mukerjee, M. Kulkarni, Phys. Rev. B 103, 184203 (2021), "Imbalance for a family of one-dimensional incommensurate models with mobility edges", [10 May 2021]
- M. Kulkarni, S. N. Majumdar, G. Schehr, Phys. Rev. A 103, 033321 (2021), "Multilayered density profile for noninteracting fermions in a rotating two-dimensional trap", [22 March 2021]
- A. Prakash, J. H. Pixley, M. Kulkarni, Phys. Rev. Research 3, L012019, Letters (2021), Editors' Suggestion, "The universal spectral form factor for many-body localization", [22 February 2021]
- C. Aron, M. Kulkarni, Phys. Rev. Research 2, 043390 (2020), "Non-Analytic Non-Equilibrium Field Theory: Stochastic Reheating of the Ising Model", [18 December 2020]
- A. Dey, M. Kulkarni, Phys. Rev. Research 2, 042004, Rapid Communications (2020), "Emergence of chaos and controlled photon transfer in a cavity-QED network", [09 October 2020]
- A. Purkayastha, M. Kulkarni, Y. N. Joglekar, Phys. Rev. Research 2, 043075 (2020), "Emergent PT symmetry in a double-quantum-dot circuit QED set-up", [14 October 2020]
- A. K. Chatterjee, A. Kundu, M. Kulkarni, Phys. Rev. E 102, 052103 (2020), Editors' Suggestion, "Spatio-temporal spread of perturbations in a driven dissipative Duffing chain: an OTOC approach", [02 November 2020]
- A. Dey, M. Kulkarni, Phys. Rev. A 101, 043801 (2020), "Engineering indefinitely long-lived localization in cavity-QED arrays", [01 April 2020]
- S. Swarup, V. Vasan, M. Kulkarni, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 53, 135206 (2020), "Provable bounds for the Korteweg-de Vries reduction in multi-component Nonlinear Schrodinger Equation", [12 March 2020]
- J. P. Deka, A. K. Sarma, A. Govindarajan, M. Kulkarni, Nonlinear Dynamics, 100 (2), 1629--1640 (2020), "Multifaceted nonlinear dynamics in PT-symmetric coupled Liénard oscillators", [10 April 2020]
- A. Kumar, M. Kulkarni, A. Kundu, Phys. Rev. E 102, 032128 (2020), "Particles confined in arbitrary potentials with a class of finite-ranged interactions", [17 September 2020]
- M. Kumar, A. Kundu, M. Kulkarni, D. A. Huse, A. Dhar, Phys. Rev. E 102, 022130 (2020), "Transport, correlations, and chaos in a classical disordered anharmonic chain", [20 August 2020]
- S. Agarwal, A. Dhar, M. Kulkarni, A. Kundu, S. N. Majumdar, D. Mukamel, G. Schehr, Phys. Rev. Lett. 123, 100603 (2019), Editors' Suggestion, "Harmonically confined particles with long-range repulsive interactions", [06 September 2019]
- A. Das, M. Kulkarni, H. Spohn, A. Dhar, Phys. Rev. E 100, 042116 (2019), "Kardar-Parisi-Zhang scaling for an integrable lattice Landau-Lifshitz spin chain", [15 October 2019]
- A. K. Gon, M. Kulkarni, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 52, 415201 (2019), "Duality in a hyperbolic interaction model integrable even in a strong confinement: Multi-soliton solutions and field theory", [16 September 2019]
- S. Agarwal, M. Kulkarni, A. Dhar, J. Stat Phys, 176, 6, 1463 (2019), "Some connections between the Classical Calogero-Moser model and the Log Gas", [19 July 2019]
- B. K. Agarwalla, M. Kulkarni, D. Segal, Phys. Rev. B 100, 035412 (2019), "Photon statistics of a double quantum dot micromaser: Quantum treatment", [10 July 2019]
- A. Das, K. Damle, A. Dhar, D. A. Huse, M. Kulkarni, C. B. Mendl, H. Spohn, J Stat Phys, 180(1), 238-262 (2019), "Nonlinear Fluctuating Hydrodynamics for the Classical XXZ Spin Chain", [22 October 2019]
- J. Lu, R. Wang, J.Ren, M. Kulkarni, J-H. Jiang, Phys. Rev. B 99, 035129 (2019), "Quantum Dot circuit-QED thermoelectric diodes and transistors", [15 January 2019]
- M. Kulkarni, G. Mandal, T. Morita, Phys. Rev. A 98, 043610 (2018), "Quantum quench and thermalization of one-dimensional Fermi gas via phase space hydrodynamics", [8 October 2018]
- R. Härtle, C. Schinabeck, M. Kulkarni, D. Gelbwaser-Klimovsky, M. Thoss, U. Peskin, Phys. Rev. B 98, 081404 (2018), "Cooling by heating in nonequilibrium nanosystems", [10 August 2018]
- A. Purkayastha, S. Sanyal, A. Dhar, M. Kulkarni, Phys. Rev. B 97, 174206 (2018), Editors' Suggestion, “Anomalous transport in the Aubry-André-Harper model in isolated and open systems”, [24 May 2018]
- M. Kulkarni, S. M. Hein, E. Kapit, C. Aron, Phys. Rev. B 97, 064506 (2018), "Permanent spin currents in cavity-qubit systems", [12 February 2018]
- A. Purkayastha, A. Dhar, M. Kulkarni, Phys. Rev. B, 96, 180204, Rapid Communications, (2017), “Non-equilibrium phase diagram of a 1D quasiperiodic system with a single-particle mobility edge”, [27 November 2017]
- M. Kulkarni, A. P. Polychronakos, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 50 455202 (2017), "Emergence of Calogero family of models in external potentials: Duality, Solitons and Hydrodynamics", [10 October 2017]
- A. Purkayastha, A. Dhar, M. Kulkarni, Phys. Rev. A 94, 052134, (2016), “Non-linear transport in an out-of-equilibrium single-site Bose Hubbard model: scaling, rectification and time dynamics”, [28 November 2016]
- B. K. Agarwalla, M. Kulkarni, S. Mukamel, D. Segal, Phys. Rev. B 94, 121305(R) (2016) , “Giant photon gain in large-scale quantum dot circuit-QED systems", [30 September 2016]
- B. K. Agarwalla, M. Kulkarni, S. Mukamel, D. Segal, Phys. Rev. B 94, 035434 (2016) “Tunable photonic cavity coupled to a voltage-biased double quantum dot system: Diagrammatic NEGF approach”, [21 July 2016]
- F. Franchini, M. Kulkarni, A. Trombettoni, New J. Phys. 18, 115003, (2016), “Hydrodynamics of local excitations after an interaction quench in 1D cold atomic gases”, [24 November 2016]
- C. Aron, M.Kulkarni and H. E. Tureci , Phys. Rev. X 6, 011032 (2016), “Photon-mediated interactions: a scalable tool to create and sustain entangled many-body states”, [23 March 2016]
- A. Purkayastha, A. Dhar, M. Kulkarni, Phys. Rev. A 93, 062114, (2016), “Exact Redfield description for open non-interacting quantum systems and failure of the Lindblad approach”, [13 June 2016]
- M. E. Schwartz, L. Martin, E. Flurin, C. Aron, M. Kulkarni, H. E. Tureci, I. Siddiqi, Phys. Rev. Lett. 116, 240503 (2016), “Stabilizing entanglement via symmetry-selective bath engineering in superconducting qubits”, [16 June 2016]
- JH. Jiang, M. Kulkarni, D. Segal, Y. Imry, Phys. Rev. B 92, 045309 (2015), “Phonon-thermoelectric transistors and rectifiers”, [29 July 2015]
- R. Hartle, M. Kulkarni, Phys. Rev. B 91, 245429 (2015), “Effect of broadening in the weak coupling limit of vibrationally coupled electron transport through molecular junctions and the analogy to quantum dot circuit QED systems”, [22 June 2015]
- M. Kulkarni, D. A. Huse, H. Spohn, Phys. Rev. A 92, 043612 (2015), “Fluctuating hydrodynamics for a discrete Gross-Pitaevskii equation: mapping to Kardar-Parisi-Zhang universality class”, [16 October 2015]
- F. Franchini, A. Gromov, M. Kulkarni, A. Trombettoni, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 48 (2015) 28FT01 (Fast Track Communication) “Universal dynamics of a soliton after an interaction quench”, [24 June 2015]
- C. Aron, M.Kulkarni and H. E. Tureci , Phys. Rev. A 90, 062305 (2014) “Steady-state entanglement of spatially separated qubits via quantum bath engineering”, [1 December 2014]
- M.Kulkarni, O. Cotlet and H. E. Tureci, Phys. Rev. B, 90, 125402 (2014) “Cavity-coupled double-quantum dot at finite bias: analogy with lasers and beyond”, [3 September 2014]
- M.Kulkarni, B. Oztop and H. E. Tureci, Phys. Rev. Lett, 111, 220408 (2013) “Cavity-mediated near-critical dissipative dynamics of a driven condensate”, [27 November 2013]
- M. Kulkarni, K. L. Tiwari and D. Segal, New Journal of Physics, 15, 013014 (2013)”Full density matrix dynamics for large quantum systems: interactions, decoherence and inelastic effects”, [9 January 2013]
- M. Kulkarni and A. Lamacraft, Phys. Rev. A 88, 021603, Rapid Communications (2013) “Finite-temperature dynamical structure factor of the one-dimensional Bose gas: From the Gross-Pitaevskii equation to the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang universality class of dynamical critical phenomena”, [8 August 2013]
- M. Kulkarni, K. L. Tiwari and D. Segal, Phys. Rev. B 86, 155424 (2012) “Towards equilibration and thermalization between finite quantum systems: Unitary emulation of dephasing effects and inelastic interactions”, [12 October 2012]
- M. Kulkarni and A. G. Abanov, Phys. Rev. A, 86, 033614 (2012) “Hydrodynamics of cold atomic gases in the limit of weak nonlinearity, dispersion, and dissipation”, [13 September 2012]
- M. Kulkarni and R. M. Konik, arXiv:1109.5731 (2011), “The Fermi liquid nature of the ground state of double quantum dots in parallel from a 1/N expansion”, [26 September 2011]
- A. G. Abanov, A. Gromov, M. Kulkarni, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 44 ,295203 (2011) “Soliton solutions of Calogero model in harmonic potential”, [17 June 2011]
- S. Ganeshan, M. Kulkarni and A. C. Durst, Phys. Rev. B 84, 064503 (2011) “Quasiparticle scattering from vortices in d-wave superconductors. II. Berry phase contribution”, [9 August 2011]
- J. Joseph, J. E. Thomas, M. Kulkarni, A. G. Abanov, Phys. Rev. Lett. 106, 150401 (2011) “Observation of shock waves in a strongly interacting Fermi gas”, [11 April 2011]
- M. Kulkarni and A. G. Abanov, Nucl. Phys. B, 846, 122 (2011) “Cold Fermi gas with inverse square interaction in a harmonic trap”, [1 May 2011]
- M. Kulkarni and R. M. Konik, Phys. Rev. B 83, 245121 (2011) “The RKKY Interaction and the Nature of the Ground State of Double Quantum Dots in Parallel”, [23 June 2011]
- M. Kulkarni, S. Ganeshan and A. C. Durst, Phys. Rev. B 84, 064502 (2011) “Quasiparticle scattering from vortices in d-wave superconductors I: Superflow contribution”, [9 August 2011]
- F. Franchini and M. Kulkarni, Nucl. Phys. B, 825, 320 (2010) “Emptiness and Depletion Formation Probability in spin models with inverse square interaction”, [1 February 2010]
- M. Kulkarni. F. Franchini and A. G. Abanov, Phys. Rev. B 80, 165105 (2009) “Nonlinear dynamics of spin and charge in spin-Calogero model”, [2 October 2009]
- M. Kulkarni, N. Seshadri, V. S. C. Manga Rao, S. Dutta Gupta, Journal of Modern Optics, 10, Volume 51 No. 4, 549-557 “Control of superluminal transit through a heterogeneous medium”, [03 Jul 2009]