Research Interests:
My principal research interest over the last two decades relate to the computation of high accuracy gravitational waveforms for inspiralling compact binaries (ICB) of neutron stars and black holes using multipolar post Minkowskian methods. These high accuracy waveforms underlie the construction of gravitational wave templates used in the gravitational wave (GW) data analysis pipelines of detectors like LIGO and Virgo. They also lead to a more accurate parameter estimation accuracy which would be crucial in extracting astrophysical information from terrestrial GW detectors like LIGO and cosmological information from space based detectors like LISA. They are also imperative to validate the numerical relativity waveforms for plunge, merger and ring-down and to assess their accuracy and interpretation. Other allied research interests include application of resummation methods to extend the regime of validity of the PN approximants and to bridge the analytical relativity numerical relativity interface, phasing of binaries in quasi-elliptical orbits, development of tools to critically characterize template banks and quantify them, studies on effects of phasing and amplitude corrections for parameter estimation of ICB, astrophysical and cosmological implications of higher harmonics of GW for the science case of LISA and finally, the extent to which LISA observations of supermassive black hole binaries can test general relativity.
Over the last two years, as Chair of its Council, I have been involved in leading the activities of the Indian Initiative in Gravitational-wave Observations (IndIGO) Consortium. The IndIGO Consortium is the proposer of LIGO-India and I am one of its principal leads.
I am the Editor-in-Chief and Subject Editor for Gravitational Waves for Living Reviews in Relativity. Over the last fifteen years, I have been involved in the Research Education Advancement Program (REAP) for undergraduate teaching in Physics at the Jawaharlal Nehru Planetarium, Bangalore.