ICTS-TIFR, Bengaluru
Area of Research:
Non-equilibrium Statistical Mechanics
+91 80 4653 6270

- Blast waves in the zero temperature hard sphere gas: double scaling structure, SK Singh, S Chakraborti, A Dhar, PL Krapivsky, arXiv:2211.10315 (2022)
- A splash in a one-dimensional cold gas, S Chakraborti, A Dhar, P Krapivsky, SciPost Physics 13 (3), 074 (2022)
- Microscopic Theory of Fluctuating Hydrodynamics in Nonlinear Lattices, K. Saito, M. Hongo, A. Dhar, S. Sasa, Phys. Rev. Letts. 127, 010601 (2021)
- Blast in a One-Dimensional Cold Gas: From Newtonian Dynamics to Hydrodynamics, S. Chakraborti, S. Ganapa, P. L. Krapivsky, A. Dhar, Phys. Rev. Letts. 126 , 244503 (2021)
- Blast in the one-dimensional cold gas: Comparison of microscopic simulations with hydrodynamic predictions, S Ganapa, S Chakraborti, PL Krapivsky, A Dhar, Physics of Fluids 33 (8), 087113 (2021)
- Filling an empty lattice by local injection of quantum particles, A Trivedi, BK Agarwalla, A Dhar, M Kulkarni, A Kundu, S Sabhapandit, arXiv:2209.08014 (2022)
- Fundamental limitations in Lindblad descriptions of systems weakly coupled to baths, D Tupkary, A Dhar, M Kulkarni, A Purkayastha, Physical Review A 105 (3), 032208 (2022)
- Revisiting the Mazur bound and the Suzuki equality, A Dhar, A Kundu, K Saito, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 144, 110618 (2021)
- Transport in spinless superconducting wires, J. M. Bhat, A Dhar, Phys. Rev. B 102, 224512 (2021)
- Equivalence of NEGF and scattering approaches to electron transport in the Kitaev chain, J Majeed Bhat, A Dha, arXiv: 2101.06376 (2021)
- Quantum resetting in continuous measurement induced dynamics of a qubit, V Dubey, R Chetrite, A Dhar, arXiv:2210.15188 (2022)
- Quantum dynamics under continuous projective measurements: Non-Hermitian description and the continuum-space limit, V Dubey, C Bernardin, A Dhar, Physical Review A 103 (3), 032221 (2021)
- Active Brownian particle in harmonic trap: exact computation of moments, and re-entrant transition, D Chaudhuri, A Dhar, Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 2021 (1), 013207
- COVID-19: Analytic results for a modified SEIR model and comparison of different intervention strategies, A Das, A Dhar, S Goyal, A Kundu, S Pandey, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 144, 110595 (2021)
- A critique of the Covid-19 analysis for India by Singh and Adhikari, A Dhar, arXiv:2004.05373 (2020)
- Boltzmann's entropy during free expansion of an interacting ideal gas, S Chakraborti, A Dhar, A Kundu, arXiv:2211.06145 (2022)
- Robustness of Kardar-Parisi-Zhang scaling in a classical integrable spin chain with broken integrability, D Roy, A Dhar, H Spohn, M Kulkarni, arXiv:2205.03858 (2022)
- Entropy growth during free expansion of an ideal gas, S Chakraborti, A Dhar, S Goldstein, A Kundu, JL Lebowitz, arXiv:2109.07742 (2021)
- Thermalization of Local Observables in the -FPUT Chain, S Ganapa, A Apte, A Dhar, Journal of Statistical Physics 180, 1010-1030 (2020)
- Nonlinear fluctuating hydrodynamics for the classical XXZ spin chain, A Das, K Damle, A Dhar, DA Huse, M Kulkarni, CB Mendl, H Spohn, Journal of Statistical Physics 180, 238-262 (2020).
- Kardar-Parisi-Zhang scaling for an integrable lattice Landau-Lifshitz spin chain, A Das, M Kulkarni, H Spohn, A Dhar, Phys. Rev. E 100, 042116 (2019).
- Heat transport in an ordered harmonic chain in presence of a uniform magnetic field, JM Bhat, G Cane, C Bernardin, A Dhar, Journal of Statistical Physics 186 (1), 1-15 (2022)
- Localization effects due to a random magnetic field on heat transport in a harmonic chain, G Cane, JM Bhat, A Dhar, C Bernardin, Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 2021 (11), 113204
- Localization effects due to a random magnetic field on heat transport in a harmonic chain, G Cane, JM Bhat, A Dhar, C Bernardin, arXiv:2107.06827 (2021)
- Transport, correlations, and chaos in a classical disordered anharmonic chain, M Kumar, A Kundu, M Kulkarni, DA Huse, A Dhar, Phys. Rev. E 102, 022130 (2020)
- Finite temperature equilibrium density profiles of integrable systems in confining potentials, J Kethepalli, D Bagchi, A Dhar, M Kulkarni, A Kundu, arXiv:2209.13769 (2022)
- Gap statistics for confined particles with power-law interactions, S Santra, J Kethepalli, S Agarwal, A Dhar, M Kulkarni, A Kundu, Physical Review Letters 128 (17), 170603 (2022)