Category: Journal Collection

Publisher: Springer (Link)


Interactions was formerly known as Hyperfine Interactions. Interactions is a cutting-edge journal dedicated to advancing the boundaries of knowledge in the Physical Sciences, and aims to provide a comprehensive platform for the dissemination of high-quality proceeding papers and topical collections. The journal endeavors to foster interdisciplinary interactions among researchers, scientists, and scholars across various branches of the Physical Sciences, including Physics, Chemistry, Earth Sciences, and Astronomy. From fundamental theories to applied research, the journal welcomes contributions that span experimental, theoretical, and computational approaches. Interactions seeks to create a dynamic and inclusive environment for scientists to share their latest discoveries, methodologies, and technological advancements. Interactions encompasses a wide range of topics within the Physical Sciences, ensuring inclusivity and diversity in the research published. The journal focuses on the publication of topical issues and proceedings, thus regular papers are not accepted. All papers are subject to thorough and strict peer-reviewing. | Springer