Category: Journal Collection

Publisher: Springer (Link)


The Journal defines Thermophysics as the study and application of the equilibrium and transport properties of systems in their gas, liquid, or solid states, of the transformation between such states under non-equilibrium conditions and of the relationship between the molecular characteristics of the system and its macroscopic properties. The journal Serves as an international medium for the publication of peer-reviewed papers covering experimental, theoretical, and computational work in the field of Thermophysics. The systems encompassed include soft matter, bio-materials, nano-fluids, ionic liquids, phase change materials and thin films. A wide range of variables including temperature, pressure, composition, wavelength, and others are of interest. The journal publish papers on instrumentation and measurement techniques in thermophysics (including densimetry, calorimetry, viscometry, photoacoustic and photothermal techniques, light scattering for diffusion). The journal Assists generators and users of thermophysical property data who aim for an understanding of property-function relationships. It is in the latter context that the use of computer simulations of model molecular systems will be included. | Springer