Category: Journal Collection
Publisher: European Mathematical Society (EMS Press) (Link)
The Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach regularly organizes week-long workshops in all fields of Mathematics and its applications. Following a careful selection process around 50 leading experts in the research field of the workshop are invited from all around the world to present recent research results, to discuss novel approaches and to generate new ideas. Lectures followed by intensive discussions, spontaneous collaborations between participants and concentrated study in the library of the Institute all combine to create unique opportunities for new ideas and advances of understanding. Often researchers from different backgrounds meet for the first time and bring completely new perspectives to open problems. The Oberwolfach Reports are meant to capture, in an informal manner, the characteristic ideas and discussions of these workshops. Offered at a nominal price, they allow to partake in the lively and stimulating atmosphere of the meetings. While the peer-reviewed results will appear elsewhere, the Oberwolfach Reports keep the reader abreast of current developments and open problems, and serve as an indispensable source of information for the active mathematician. | European Mathematical Society (EMS Press) |