Studies in light-matter interactions constitute a core area of research in atomic, molecular and optical sciences encompassing a wide range of highly interdisciplinary fields. At a fundamental level, quantum electrodynamical interactions of single atoms or ions with single-photons or even electromagnetic vacuum has led to new avenues of understanding light-matter interactions (for which 2012 Nobel Prize in physics was awarded to Serge Haroche and David J. Wineland). In a similar vein, atomic, ionic or molecular interactions of light carrying spatial singularity or orbital angular momentum are leading to new insights. In parallel to these developments, recent progress in light-matter interactions in diverse physical situations such as plasmonics, quantum dots, nanophotonics, cold atoms, molecules and matter waves has given an impetus to several fields leading to new physics, applications and devices.
In view of these current advances, this program is planned with two main objectives: First, to expose students and junior researchers to some of the modern facets of light-matter interactions as mentioned above; second, to motivate these young participants towards the excitement of research in basic sciences by holding discussion meetings on the latest cutting-edge developments in this field among leading scientists from around the world.