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 09 January 2014 to 18 January 2014
 Blue Lily Hotel, Puri
  • Organizers: 
    Dileep Jatkar (HRI, India), Nakwoo Kim (Kyung Hee University, South Korea), Swapna Mahapatra (Utkal University, India), Anshuman Maharana (HRI, India), Subhabrata Majumdar (TIFR, India), Jaemo Park (Pohang University of Science and Technology, South Korea), Suvrat Raju (ICTS-TIFR, India) and Sandip Trivedi (TIFR, India)
  • asianstrings  ictsresin
 08 January 2014 to 11 January 2014
 ICTS-TIFR, IISc Campus, Bangalore
  • Organizers: 
    Amit Apte (ICTS), Christopher Jones (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill) and Sreekar Vadlamani (TIFR)
  • apte  ictsresin
 06 January 2014 to 17 January 2014
 Department of Physics, IISc Campus, Bangalore
  • Organizers: 
    Kedar Damle (TIFR, India), Indra Dasgupta (IACS, India), Manish Jain (IISc, India), H R Krishnamurthy (IISc, India), Tanusri Saha-Dasgupta (SNBNCBS, India) and N.S. Vidhyadhiraja (JNCASR, India)
  • ictsm2m14  gmailcom
 23 December 2013 to 28 December 2013
 Raja Ramanna Centre for Advanced Technology, Indore
  • Organizers: 
    Rana Adhikari (California Institute of Technology, USA), Parameswaran Ajith (ICTS-TIFR, India), Bala Iyer (RRI, India), Sendhil Raja S (Raja Ramanna Centre for Advanced Technology, India) and Tarun Souradeep (IUCAA, India)
  • expgwschool  ictsresin
 09 December 2013 to 20 December 2013
 Biological Sciences auditorium, New Biological Sciences building, IISc Campus, Bangalore
  • Organizers: 
    Vijay Balasubramanian (University of Pennsylvania, USA), Nagasuma Chandra (IISc, India), Sidhartha Goyal (Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics, USA), Sanjay Jain (University of Delhi, India), Matteo Marsili (Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Italy), Vidyanand Nanjundiah (IISc, India), Anirvan Sengupta (Rutgers University, USA), Mukund Thattai (NCBS-TIFR, India) and Michele Vendruscolo (Cambridge University, UK)
  • qsb2013  ictsresin
 22 September 2013 to 23 September 2013
 ICTS, Bangalore
  • Organizers: 
    Pallab Basu (ICTS-TIFR, India), Suvrat Raju (ICTS-TIFR, India) and Spenta Wadia (ICTS-TIFR, India)
  • pallabbasu  ictsresin
 10 June 2013 to 05 July 2013
 ICTS-TIFR, IISc Campus, Bangalore
  • Organizers: 
    Parameswaran Ajith (ICTS-TIFR, India), K. G. Arun (CMI, India), Bala Iyer (RRI, India) and Luis Lehner (Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics, Canada)
  • nrprogram  ictsresin
