Vortex core order and field-induced supersolidity |
Ganesh Ramachandran
(Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai) |
Emmy Noether Seminar Room, ICTS Campus, Bangalore |
Fri, 23 June 2017, 15:00 to 16:00 |
Dynamics of a piston pushed by a single particle gas: A microscopic model for Szilard engine |
Deepak Bhat
(ICTS-TIFR, Bangalore) |
Emmy Noether Seminar Room, ICTS Campus, Bangalore |
Thu, 15 June 2017, 15:00 to 16:00 |
Some recent advances in quantum spin-ice systems and non-equilibrium transport in 1D |
Sambuddha Sanyal
(ICTS-TIFR, Bangalore) |
Emmy Noether Seminar Room, ICTS Campus, Bangalore |
Mon, 12 June 2017, 11:00 to 12:00 |
Quantum thermal diode with low non-linearity and/or at high Temperature |
Archak Purkayastha
(ICTS-TIFR, Bangalore) |
Emmy Noether Seminar Room, ICTS Campus, Bangalore |
Fri, 09 June 2017, 11:15 to 12:15 |
The Hidden World of Sand |
Bulbul Chakraborty
(Brandeis University, USA) |
Emmy Noether Seminar Room, ICTS Campus, Bangalore |
Wed, 24 May 2017, 11:00 to 12:00 |
Presence of quantum diffusion in two dimensions: Is there a metallic state in two dimensions in the presence of disorder? |
Prabuddha Chakraborty
(Indian Statistical Institute Chennai Centre, Chennai) |
Emmy Noether Seminar Room, ICTS Campus, Bangalore |
Tue, 09 May 2017, 15:30 to 16:30 |
Ergodicity and localization in many-body systems with mobility Edges |
Subroto Mukerjee
(Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore) |
Emmy Noether Seminar Room, ICTS Campus, Bangalore |
Tue, 09 May 2017, 14:00 to 15:30 |
Ordered Phases in Coupled Nonequilibrium Systems |
Mustansir Barma
(TIFR Centre for Interdisciplinary Sciences, Hyderabad) |
Emmy Noether Seminar Room, ICTS Campus, Bangalore |
Mon, 10 April 2017, 11:00 to 12:00 |
Duality and bosonization of (2+1)d Majorana fermions |
Ashvin Vishwanath
(Harvard University, USA) |
Emmy Noether Seminar Room, ICTS Campus, Bangalore |
Wed, 15 March 2017, 11:00 to 12:00 |
An information-theoretic analysis of the interplay between gene expression and cell growth |
David Lacoste
(ESPCI, Paris) |
Emmy Noether Seminar Room, ICTS Campus, Bangalore |
Thu, 09 February 2017, 11:30 to 12:30 |