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Tadashi Tokieda (Stanford University, USA)
Video release
07 July 2021, 18:00
Interactive session
20 July 2021, 12:00 to 12:45
Virtual colloquium
Pre-recorded video

Humans tend to be better at physics than at mathematics.  When an apple falls from a tree, there are more people who can catch it—we know physically how the apple moves—than people who can compute its trajectory from a differential equation. Applying physical ideas to discover and establish mathematical results is therefore natural, even if it has seldom been tried in the history of science. (The exceptions include Archimedes, some old Russian sources, a recent book by Mark Levi, as well as my articles and lectures.)This TMC Distinguished Lecture presents a diversity of examples, and tries to make them easy for imaginative beginners and difficult for seasoned researchers. 

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This colloquium is part of the Distinguished Lecture Series (DLS) organized by The (Indian) Mathematics Consortium (TMC), and co-hosted by IIT-B and ICTS-TIFR. For more information about this lecture series, and to register, please visit the homepage of the TMC DLS.