Long Term Visiting Students Program | ICTS

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Application Deadline: 07 March 2025
Referee Deadline: 10 March 2025

International Centre for Theoretical Sciences (ICTS-TIFR), Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Bengaluru invites applications from academically bright and motivated Master’s/ Integrated Master’s/ Bachelor’s students for the ICTS - Long Term Visiting Students Program. This program mainly aims to provide opportunities to students of science, mathematics and engineering to spend a longer period of time (1 or 2 semesters) to work in close collaboration with ICTS faculty members on research projects.

Selected candidates will be provided stipends and accommodation during this program. Applications are invited from both Indian and foreign nationals.

For the Physics stream, this program also provides an early route to the PhD and Int PhD graduate program at ICTS. Candidates who perform outstandingly in the program will be provided with a unique opportunity to apply for admission to our graduate program. Upon subsequently clearing a written test and interview, successful candidates will receive early PhD/Int PhD offers.

Master's/ Integrated Master's/ Bachelor's students of science, mathematics and engineering, who are entering the final year, in their final year or have recently completed their program are eligible to apply.

How to apply

Interested candidates should apply online with their CV, academic and referee (at least two) details. Online applications are preferred. However, if applicants do not have internet access, click here for the offline application instructions. If you are submitting online, do not send hard copies of your application materials. The deadline applies to both online and offline applications.

Selected candidates will be informed of the decision by mid-May. The start date of the program is normally August of every year but it ​is flexible.

For any queries, please contact us at ltvsp @ icts . res . in