This Discussion Meeting is the third program in the series. Expert speakers from different scientific fields will present thematic lectures designed to benefit students and young researchers interested in pursuing research in the area of Homogenization. The thematic lectures will be followed by research talks highlighting the recent results in the thematic topics and related areas.
Homogenization is a mathematical procedure to understand the multi-scale analysis of various phenomena modelled by partial differential equations (PDEs). It can be viewed as a process of understanding a heterogeneous media (where the heterogeneities are at the microscopic level like in composite materials) by a homogeneous media. Homogenization tremendous applications in various branches of engineering sciences like material science, porous media, study of vibrations of thin structures and composite materials to name a few. Mathematically, homogenization deals with the study of asymptotic analysis of the solutions of PDEs by obtaining the equation satisfied by the limit. This limit equation characterizes the bulk or overall behaviour of the material, which does not consist of microscopic heterogeneities and can be solved or computed.
The following topics will be addressed during this discussion meeting.
- Renormalized Solutions and homogenization (Olivier Guibé, University of Rouen Normandie, France)
- Boundary Homogenization (François Murat, Sorbonne Université , France)
- Numerical Homogenization (Daniel Peterseim, University of Augsburg, Augsburg)
- Stochastic Homogenization (Andrey Piatnitski, The Arctic University of Norway, Russia)
In addition to these lectures and research level talks, the program will also include presentations and interactive sessions with the participants.
Eligibility: Masters, PhD students, and interested faculty members
Registration is free, but it is mandatory