The aim of the program is to bring in leadings researchers in network science for an active discussion and exchange of ideas. NETWORKS is a 10-year programme (started in 2014) funded by the Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Science through the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research. Several Dutch universities belong to this group. Many Indian scientists are in active collaboration with the group and this workshop will form a platform for exchange of ideas and projects and further collaborations. The NETWORKS project itself aims at real life applications of different theoretical aspects of probability theory, computer science, optimisation techniques and statistics. One of the first such meetings took place in Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata in 2018, followed by one day workshops in Netherlands in 2017--2019.
Some of the important topics we plan to cover: Structural properties of random graph/networks; dynamics on networks; Interacting particle systems on networks like spread of infection, contact process, voter models; algorithmic aspects of networks; percolation on networks; random matrices, statistical physics and related fields; population genetics.
The researchers involved with NETWORKS Indian researchers in probability and statistics are leading experts in random matrices, r random graphs, processes on random graphs, algorithms and optimisation, complex physical systems and long range dependent models. These works have applications in finance, analysis of large data sets, modelling rare events, and social networks. The program shall bring in experts from all sides for an active interaction.
Accommodation will be provided for outstation participants at our on campus guest house.
ICTS is committed to building an environment that is inclusive, non-discriminatory and welcoming of diverse individuals. We especially encourage the participation of women and other under-represented groups.
Travel support of the Dutch participants is being provided by the NETWORKS programme.

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