The study of zero mean curvature surfaces in $\mathbb{R}^3$ (minimal surfaces) has witnessed significant progress since its initiation over 200 years ago. However, the topics of maximal surfaces (ZMC surfaces) in the Lorentz-Minkowski space and ZMC surfaces in hyperbolic spaces, are relatively recent. The proposed meeting on Zero Mean Curvature surfaces aims to bring together leading experts in the areas to discuss a wide range of topics- new challenges, problem-solving methodologies.
Early-career researchers will have the opportunity to engage with the most significant and promising problems within these domains. This discussion meeting is intended to inspire faculty, students, and postdocs to delve into this vibrant and evolving field of research.
During the five-day discussion meeting, the final day will be reserved for open discussions to encourage potential collaborations.
There will be mini-courses by subject experts of introductory nature for younger researchers, who are not exposed to these topics before. Some of the talks will be in related areas and applications, There will be some research talks by active researchers to explain the current state of the art in the subject. In addition, during the week, there will be short talks given by young researchers to present their work.
Accommodation will be provided for outstation participants at our on campus guest house.
ICTS-TIFR organized a similar Discussion meeting on Zero mean curvature surfaces in 2020, and then Shiv Nadar Insitute of Eminence organized it in 2022.
Eligibility Criteria: Ph.D, Postdocs and Faculties working in this area.
ICTS is committed to building an environment that is inclusive, non-discriminatory and welcoming of diverse individuals. We especially encourage the participation of women and other under-represented groups.