10:00 to 11:00 |
Sorin Dumitrescu (Nice University, France) |
Branched Holomorphic Cartan Geometries We present the concept of a branched holomorphic Cartan geometry which was introduced re- cently in a joint work with Indranil Biswas (TIFR). It generalizes to higher dimension the notion of a branched (flat) complex projective structure on a Riemann surface introduced by Mandel- baum. This new framework is much more flexible than that of the usual holomorphic Cartan geometries (e.g. all compact complex projective manifolds admit branched holomorphic pro- jective structures). In the same time, this new definition is rigid enough to enable us to prove that branched holomorphic Cartan geometries with complex affine group on compact simply connected Calabi-Yau manifolds are always flat. The key ingredient of the proof is the follow- ing result of independent interest: if E is a holomorphic vector bundle over a compact simply connected Calabi–Yau manifold, and E admits a holomorphic connection, then E is a trivial holomorphic vector bundle, and any holomorphic connection on E is trivial.
11:00 to 11:30 |
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Tea Break |
11:30 to 12:30 |
Markus Upmeier (Augsburg University, Germany) |
Orientations for Moduli Spaces in Higher-Dimensional Gauge Theory The Donaldson-Segal programme proposes to extend familiar techniques for anti-self-dual connections on 4-manifolds to special, higher-dimensional geometries. This includes the study of Calabi-Yau 3-folds, G2-manifolds, and Spin(7)-holonomy manifolds. The fundamental difficulties are compactness, deformation invariance, and orientations of the moduli space of connections. These questions are, at present, largely open. After introducing some background material, I shall focus on the orientation problem for SU(2)-bundles over G2-manifolds (joint with D. Joyce).
12:30 to 14:30 |
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Lunch |
14:30 to 15:30 |
Krishna Hanumanthu (CMI, India) |
Seshadri constants on projective varieties Seshadri constants are invariants of line bundles on projective varieties. Their study is now a very active area of research with connections to several different topics. We will give an overview of the current work on Seshadri constants and discuss some recent results.
15:30 to 16:00 |
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Tea |