13:30 to 13:45 |
Rajesh Gopakumar (ICTS, India) |
Welcome remarks |
13:45 to 14:45 |
Salima Rafai (Universite Grenoble Alpes, CNRS, France) |
Flowing Active Suspensions: Plankton as a Model Active Particle Suspensions of motile living organisms represent a non-equilibrium system of condensed matter of great interest from a fundamental point of view. These are suspensions composed of autonomous units - active particles - capable of converting stored energy into motion. The interactions between the active particles and the liquid in which they swim give rise to mechanical constraints and a large-scale collective movement that have recently attracted a great deal of interest in the physical and mechanical communities. Our recent work on microalgae suspensions will be presented. The micro alga Chlamydomonas Reinhardtii uses its two anterior flagella to propel itself into aqueous media. It then produces a random walk with persistence that can be characterised quantitatively by analysing the trajectories produced. Moreover, in the presence of a light stimulus, it biases its trajectory to direct it towards the light: this phenomenon is called phototaxis. By coupling experiments and modelling, we propose to extract from the hydrodynamic characteristics of this microalga some of the generic properties of microswimmer suspensions.
14:45 to 15:45 |
Lihao Zhao (Tsinghua University, China) |
Micro-Swimmers in Turbulence: Effect of Fluid inertial torque Marine plankton are usually modeled as settling elongated micro-swimmers. For the first time, we consider the torque induced by fluid inertia on such swimmers, and we discover that they spontaneously swim in the direction opposite to gravity. We analyze the equilibrium orientation of swimmers in quiescent fluid and we study the orientation in turbulent flows using direct numerical simulations. Similar to the well-known gyrotaxis mechanism, the effect of fluid inertial torque can be quantified by an effective reorientation time scale. We show that the orientation of swimmers strongly depends on the reorientation time scale, and swimmers exhibit strong preferential alignment in upward direction when the time scale is of the same order of Kolmogorov time scale. Our findings suggest that the fluid inertial torque is a new mechanism of gyrotaxis that stabilizes the upward orientation of micro-swimmers such as plankton.
16:15 to 17:15 |
Ganesh Subramanian (JNCASR, India) |
Anisotropic Swimmer Suspensions: Shear-induced Migration and Dispersion This talk will focus on the subtle interplay of swimmer shape and shear in determining migration along the gradient, and dispersion along the flow, directions in a pressure-driven channel flow. The migration in the gradient direction reveals a profound asymmetry between disk and rod-shaped swimmers, while the dispersion in the flow direction exhibits anomalous scaling for rod-shaped swimmers. The effect of shear is characterized by the Peclet number (Pe: product of the shear rate and an appropriate orientation relaxation time). The swimmer is modelled as a rigid spheroid with aspect ratio r; r > 1 for rod-shaped swimmers (prolate spheroids), and r < 1 for disk-shaped ones (oblate spheroids). The kinetic equation for the swimmer probability density includes competing effects of both an orientation anisotropy and a spatial inhomogeneity induced by the linearly varying ambient shear, and a relaxation to isotropy on account of run-and-tumble dynamics and rotary diffusion. In the first part of the talk, we examine the effect of swimmer aspect ratio on shear-induced migration along the gradient direction. We employ a multiple scales analysis to separate the orientation relaxation (fast) and spatial diffusion time scales (slow), and obtain a drift-diffusion equation for the evolution of the swimmer concentration. Disk-shaped swimmers migrate towards the centerline for small to moderate Pe, but migrate towards the channel walls for larger Pe. The scalings for the drift (V_z) and diffusivity (D_zz) reveal two asymptotic regimes. In regime I, corresponding to 1 << Pe << r^−3, D_zz ∼ O(Pe^−2/3), V_z ∼ O(Pe^−4/3), the latter being directed towards the centerline. In regime II, corresponding to Pe >> r^−3, both D_zz and V_z scale as O(Pe^−2), the latter being directed away from the centerline. In contrast, rod-shaped swimmers migrate towards the walls for 1 << Pe << r^3 (D_zz, V_z ∼ O(Pe^−4/3)) and towards the centerline for Pe >> r^3 (D_zz, V_z ∼ O(Pe^-2)). Interestingly, while flat-disk (r = 0) swimmers exhibit the maximum inhomogeneity at a finite Pe, infinitely slender rod-swimmers asymptote to the maximum inhomogeneity only in the limit of infinite Pe (Vennamneni et al., J. Fluid Mech., 2020). While a finite-Pe peak in the inhomogeneity, reported in experiments involving rod-shaped swimmers (Rusconi et al., Nat. Phys., 2014)), was likely an artefact of residence time limitations, we show the existence of a true finite-Pe maximum for disk-shaped swimmers. In the second part of the talk, we examine the Taylor dispersion of a population of rod-shaped swimmers. A multiple scales analysis is now employed to separate three different time scales - the shortest orientation relaxation time scale, the longer time scale corresponding to swimmer diffusion in the gradient direction and the longest time scale corresponding to diffusion along the flow direction - and obtain a convection- diffusion equation in the flow coordinate for the transversely averaged swimmer concentration. We examine the axial diffusivity in the aforementioned regimes of near-wall (1 << Pe << r^3) and near- centerline (Pe >> r^3) accumulation. In the former case, the expected O(Pe^10/3) Taylor dispersion scaling arises from an O(Pe^−4/3) gradient-component diffusivity. However, in the regime of near-centerline accumulation, the expected O(Pe^4) scaling for a gradient-component diffusivity of O(Pe^−2) is only obtained for r < 2. Higher aspect ratio swimmers exhibit anomalously reduced dispersion owing to a centerline collapse of swimmers along the gradient direction.
18:30 to 19:30 |
Michael Wilczek (Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self-Organization, Germany) |
Encounter rates of elongated phytoplankton in turbulence Phytoplankton come in a stunning variety of shapes but elongated morphologies dominate – typically 50% of species have an aspect ratio above 5. Furthermore, bloom-forming species often form chains whose aspect ratios can exceed 100. Phytoplankton typically live under mildly turbulent conditions. How elongation affects encounter rates between phytoplankton in mild turbulence has remained unknown. Here, we present direct numerical simulations of encounters among elongated phytoplankton in turbulence, showing that encounters between neutrally buoyant elongated cells are up to ten-fold higher than for spherical cells and even higher when cells sink. Consequently, we predict that elongation can significantly speed up the formation of marine snow as compared to spherical cells. This unexpectedly large effect of morphology in driving encounter rates among plankton provides a potential mechanistic explanation for the rapid clearance of many phytoplankton blooms.
19:30 to 20:30 |
Moderators: Rachel Bearon, Klaus Kroy, and Ganesh Subramanian |
Round Table: Open Problems in Active Hydrodynamics: Experiments and Discrete and Continuum models |