Organized with support from CEFIPRA
The idea of this Indo-French workshop is to gather specialists in the field of classical and quantum out-of-equilibrium dynamics and to initiate collaborative research programs, training programs and scientific exchanges between the two countries.
Recently a joint Indo-French international research project (IRP) on "Classical and quantum dynamics in out of equilibrium systems" was proposed between several laboratories of theoretical physics in France and in India. CNRS has approved this project whose Principal Investigators are Satya Majumdar (LPTMS), Gregory Schehr (LPTHE), Gautam Mandal (TIFR) and Manas Kulkarni (ICTS). The goal of the CEFIPRA supported workshop is to bring together people within this Indo-French international research project (and people not involved directly in the project) so that they can identify areas of common interests leading to possible future collaborations.
There is much interest on the French side, in CNRS as well as at the higher levels of the French government, to increase the level of scientific cooperation between France and India. Invited participants, both on the Indian and on the French side, are specialists of the wide and rapidly evolving field of classical and quantum dynamics in out of equilibrium systems. This workshop is expected to be a major step forward in building strong Indo-French academic relations.
Outline of Structure and Format:
The workshop will be structured around relatively short talks. Particular emphasis will be given to discussions among the invited participants during this week.
Tentative topics to be covered include
1) some aspects of non-equilibrium statistical physics
2) dynamics in quantum many-body systems
3) long-range interactions
4) quantum resetting
5) generalized Gibbs ensembles
6) phase space quantum dynamics
7) quantum measurement theory
Participation: By invitation only.
Accommodation will be provided for outstation participants at our on campus guest house.
ICTS is committed to building an environment that is inclusive, non discriminatory and welcoming of diverse individuals. We especially encourage the participation of women and other under-represented groups.

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