In December 2015, both ATLAS and CMS experiments at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) running at 13 TeV have reported an excess in the proton-proton to gamma gamma channel at an invariant mass of 750 GeV. In 2012, the di-photon (or gamma gamma) channel at the LHC was an important channel in the discovery of the 125 GeV Higgs, the last missing piece of the Standard Model (SM). The observed excess at 750GeV has caught the imagination of the phenomenologists and experimentalists alike. It has led to a flurry of papers and explanations by theorists while experimentalists are working very hard at gathering more data and improving their analysis. Several questions are being posed. Is this the early sign of a new particle that heralds a new era for particle physics? If it is a new particle, why has it escaped the previous LHC run at 8 TeV run? Could this particle shed light on Dark Matter and is it, more generally, a gateway to new states? Does it address the long standing naturalness problem? What would then be high energy physics strategy for the future? What are now the constraints on model building? At the same time a critical reappraisal of the background and QCD should be discussed. It is expected that experiments will provide a check of these results with more statistics sometime later this year.
This is a one day discussion meeting which will include discussions about different aspects of the 750 GeV observations involving key theory experts from France and India, CMS experimentalists from both countries and ATLAS physicists.