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Monday, 25 November 2024
Time Speaker Title Resources
09:20 to 09:30 Rajesh Gopakumar (ICTS, India) Welcome remarks
09:30 to 10:15 Yuval Gefen (Weizmann Institute, Israel) Quantum Cooling

Quantum steering is a protocol made up of successive measurements of the system, employing the back-action generated to push the system towards a desired target state. The latter may be the ground state of the system’s Hamiltonian, thus cooling the system to “zero temperature”. I will address here two questions: (1) Can we achieve such cooling by acting only on a small section of the system (a protocol we denote “dilute cooling”)? (2) When such cooling to zero
temperature is not feasible - how low in temperature can we go?

10:15 to 11:00 Shovan Dutta (RRI, India) Anti-thermalization: Heating from Cooling & Vice Versa

Common intuition tells us that if one part of an interacting system is continuously cooled, the other parts should also cool down. This intuition can be put on firm grounds for the case of Markovian cooling of a free-fermion "lead" that is locally coupled to a generic quantum system. I will talk about a scenario where the opposite happens, namely, the system heats up toward its most excited state as the lead is cooled (or vice versa), even if other parameters favor sympathetic cooling. This dramatic effect originates from a simple but structured coupling that preserves a U(1) charge, and is realizable as existing setups.

11:45 to 12:30 Arindam Ghosh (IISc, India) Flow of charge and heat in quantum critical graphene

Over the past two decades our understanding of the charge and heat transport properties of graphene has evolved progressively as the quality of the graphene devices improved. A key crossover occurs when the scattering between electrons themselves become more frequent than the scattering between electrons and disorder. In this regime, the electrons gas behaves as a hydrodynamic fluid, whose properties exhibit emergent universalities close to the charge neutrality point. In this talk, I shall present some new experimental result on the electrical and thermal transport measurements in very high-quality graphene devices where electron-electron scattering dominates over the momentum relaxation rate. I shall show that the transport in such graphene devices is unique in multiple ways, ranging from unconventional functional dependence of the dc conductivity on carrier density to giant violation of the Wiedemann-Franz law, where effective Lorenz number varies over six orders of magnitude with carrier density. We find that the transport properties of ultra-clean graphene close to charge neutrality are quantitatively consistent with that of a hydrodynamic Dirac fluid where both charge and heart flow are determined by a single universal transport constant.

14:00 to 14:45 Rajdeep Sensarma (TIFR Mumbai, India) Entanglement Entropy and Correlation Functions in Many Body Systems


14:45 to 15:30 Abhishek Dhar (ICTS, India) Page curve entanglement dynamics of free fermions: results from numerics and hydrodynamics

We consider a gas of non-interacting fermions that is released from a box into the vacuum. This provides a simple analytically tractable model that reproduces many features of the Page curve characterizing the evolution of entanglement entropy during evaporation of a black hole. Apart from the entropy we consider several other physical observables and show that generalized hydrodynamics provides a rather surprisingly accurate description of the quantum dynamics.

16:15 to 17:00 Julien Vidal (LPTMC, Sorbonne University, France) String-nets at finite temperature

The string-net model introduced by M. Levin and X.-G. Wen in 2005 allows one to generate all (bosonic) topological  achiral phases in two dimensions. In this talk, I will explain how to compute the exact partition function of this model and discuss the finite-temperature properties of several quantities such as the topological mutual information. These results show that, in this context, topological order can only survive up to a temperature which depends on the system size and goes to zero in the thermodynamical limit.

Tuesday, 26 November 2024
Time Speaker Title Resources
09:30 to 10:15 Debashish Banerjee (SINP, Kolkata, India) Efficient Quantum Field Theories for Quantum Computations

Computing methods on classical computers have dominated the discovery frontline from fundamental physics for several decades now. It is however becoming clear that at least in physics, there are several computational avenues (such as finite density and real-time dynamics) where development can be accelerated via quantum computers. At the same time, improving classical computing techniques using clever analytical insights is essential to provide further inputs to the quantum computing frontier. In this talk, we will discuss the broad ideas behind the novel constructions and selected applications illustrating results for realistic systems in condensed matter and particle physics. Such scenarios are expected to be realized in quantum hardware in the recent future.

10:15 to 11:00 Marcello Dalmonte (ICTP, Italy) Complexity beyond entanglement - magic of strongly interacting quantum matter

Quantum resources have entered the many body stage over the last two decades. It is by now widely appreciated that entanglement plays a key role in characterizing physical phenomena, as diverse as topological order and critical behaviour. However, entanglement alone is not informative about state complexity, and in fact, it is only one side of the medal. In this talk, I will flip the coin and tackle quantum state complexity of many-body systems under the lense of non-stabilizerness - also known as magic. Magic quantifies the difficulty of realizing states in most error corrected codes, and is thus of fundamental practical importance. However, very little is known about its significance to many-body phenomena.

I will present method(s) to measure magic in tensor network simulations, and illustrate a series of applications to many body systems, including: (a) how state magic and long-range magic behave in conformal field theories - illustrating the limit of the former, and the capabilities of the latter; (b) how magic characterizes phases of lattice gauge theories, both in the context of spin liquids/error correction (toric code), and in the context of theories describing coupling between matter and light (Schwinger model); and (c) how our computational tools are presently more advanced than the largest scale experimental demonstration of magic in Rydberg atom quantum simulators.

Finally, I will discuss the broader impact of these findings on state complexity - indicating that realizing generic state quantum dynamics may require a very large amount of resources in error correcting quantum computers, but at the same time, providing interesting perspectives on new classes of variational states more powerful than tensor networks.

11:45 to 12:30 Manik Banik (SNBNCBS, India) On Composition in Quantum World: Nonclassical Features & Information Processing

Compositions are fundamental to how we understand the world, but in the quantum realm, they reveal a deeper and more profound complexity. In composite quantum systems, intriguing phenomena such as Bell nonlocality, quantum entanglement, and quantum discord emerge—features entirely absent in classical systems. These nonclassical correlations are crucial for developing advanced information and communication protocols. In this talk, drawing from our recent works, I will explore foundational aspects of composition as they apply to quantum systems. I will also discuss new insights into the nonclassical correlations arising in these systems, and introduce a novel form of composition in the temporal domain, proposing it as a new primitive for information processing.

14:00 to 14:45 Himadri Sekhar Dhar (IIT Bombay, India) Quantum error correction for unresolvable spin ensemble

Atomic and solid-state spin ensembles are promising platforms for implementing quantum technologies, but the unavoidable presence of noise imposes the needs for error correction. Typical quantum error correction (QEC) requires addressing specific qubits, but this is practically challenging in most realistic architectures. In this work, we propose QEC schemes for unresolvable spin ensembles. By using degenerate superpositions of excited states, which are fundamentally mixed, we find codes that can protect against both individual and collective errors, including dephasing, decay, and pumping. We show how information recovery can be achieved with only collective measurement and control, and illustrate its applications in extending memory lifetime. 

Ref: arXiv:2408.11628v1

14:45 to 15:30 Prabha Mandayam (IIT Madras, India) Quantum error correction and fault tolerance in near-term quantum processors

Quantum error correction (QEC) plays a critical role in preventing information loss in quantum systems and provides a framework for reliable quantum computation. However, implementing protocols for QEC and fault tolerance remains a challenge in the current era of noisy, intermediate-scale quantum (NISQ) processors. Here, we discuss recent progress in identifying resource-efficient strategies for QEC, which are tailored for the dominant noise processes affecting the quantum hardware. We show that such noise-adapted protocols can also provide a route to fault tolerance in near-term quantum devices, under certain assumptions.

16:00 to 17:30 Joel Moore (UC Berkeley, USA) Topology of electronic materials and their linear and nonlinear responses (Lecture 1)

Certain natural geometric properties of electron wavefunctions in a crystal turn out to explain a vast range of experimentally relevant properties. The original example was the explanation of the integer quantum Hall effect by Thouless and co-workers in terms of the “Berry curvature” derived from Bloch states. We now understand that a kind of gauge field in the Brillouin zone is the key to many equilibrium and linear-response properties, and current work is seeking to generalize these results to nonlinear and non-equilibrium properties as well. This talk reviews the basic concepts of wavefunction geometry starting from basic notions of undergraduate quantum mechanics, then covers more recent applications to new topological states, with a particular focus on effects beyond the standard adiabatic limit.

Wednesday, 27 November 2024
Time Speaker Title Resources
09:30 to 10:15 Krishnendu Sengupta (IACS, India) Rydberg ladders with staggered detuning


10:15 to 11:00 Sreejith GJ (IISER Pune, India) Projected ensemble in a system with locally supported conserved charges

Projected ensemble, formed by the collection of pure states obtained by partial measurement of a quantum many body system and labeled by the measurement outcome provides a means to define a distribution of states in the Hilbert space, thereby going beyond the limitations of density matrices that can describe the unlabeled states. We discuss this and some results in the context of a many body system where conserved charges have local support.

11:45 to 12:30 Sanjukta Roy (RRI, India) Quantum Many-Body Physics with ultra-cold Rydberg atoms


14:00 to 15:30 Joel Moore (UC Berkeley, USA) The fates of pure many-particle systems: some hydrodynamical limits of spins and qubits (Lecture 2)

One of the first nontrivial examples of quantum matter to be understood at equilibrium was the behavior of a chain of two-state spins, or qubits, entangled by nearest-neighbor interactions. Hans Bethe’s solution of the ground state in 1931 eventually led to the concept of Yang-Baxter integrability, and the thermodynamics were fully understood in the 1970s. However, the dynamical properties of this spin chain at any nonzero temperature remained perplexing until some unexpected theoretical and experimental progress beginning around 2019. Atomic emulators and quantum computers are beginning to complement solid-state quantum magnetism experiments, and computer scientists, physicists, and mathematicians all have their own reasons to care about the dynamics of simple arrangements of quantum spins. The last part of the talk covers how dynamics of more complicated spin models in higher dimensions are being used to search for emergent gauge fields and other phenomena.

16:15 to 17:00 Abhishodh Prakash (HRI, India) Deconfined Quantum Criticality sans Quantum

Spontaneous symmetry breaking underpins some of the most important phenomena in condensed matter and statistical physics. A description of direct transitions between symmetry breaking phases in terms of local order parameters is formulated when the symmetry breaking patterns were Landau-compatible i.e. when the unbroken symmetries of one phase is a subset of the other. About twenty years ago, Senthil et al [1] demonstrated that a direct transition between Landau-incompatible symmetry breaking phases was also possible in two-dimensional quantum magnets. Such 'deconfined quantum critical' (DQC) transitions are believed to be exotic and found in interacting quantum systems, often with anomalous symmetries (e.g.: constrained by Lieb-Schultz-Mattis theorems).

In this talk, based on recent work with N. Jones [2], I will demonstrate that such special conditions are unnecessary and Landau-incompatible transitions can be found in a well-known family of classical statistical mechanical models introduced by Jose, Kadanoff, Kirkpatrick and Nelson [3]. All smoking-gun DQC features such as charged defect melting and enhanced symmetries are present and readily understood. I will also show that a closely related family of models also exhibits another unusual critical phenomenon found in quantum systems- 'unnecessary criticality' where a stable critical surface exists within a single phase of matter analogous to the first-order line separating liquid and gases.

[1] SCIENCE, Vol 303, Issue 5663
[2] arXiv: 2404.19009
[3] Phys. Rev. B 16, 1217 (1977)

17:00 to 17:45 Bijay Kumar Agarwalla (IISER Pune, India) Anomalous transport in long-range lattice systems

In the first part of my talk, I will discuss anomalous subdiffusive phases that appear in clean long-range fermionic lattice systems and their origin. I will then talk about how such a long-range lattice, when subjected to dephasing noise that acts at all lattice sites, shows an interesting crossover from super-diffusive to diffusive transport regime as one tunes the long-range hopping exponent.

Thursday, 28 November 2024
Time Speaker Title Resources
09:30 to 10:15 Arul Lakshminarayan (IIT Madras, India) Gate invariants as controls of measurement induced phase transitions

Measurement induced phase transitions (MIPT) occur when the natural entangling dynamics in many-body systems is overcome by persistent but random single particle measurements. The entanglement originates from two-qubit gates, and we consider circuits when this is fixed and the one qubit operations are random unitaries. This talk discusses how the entangling power and other local unitary invariants of special two-qubit gates modify the phase transition parameters with much more robust circuits possible than with typical gates. Apart from the usual bipartite entanglement, the possible relevance of some other characterizations of local entanglement structure in MIPT are also discussed. Entangling power, gate typicality and Measurement-induced Phase Transitions,

Based on: Sourav Manna, Vaibhav Madhok, Arul Lakshminarayan, arXiv:2407.17776

10:15 to 11:00 Masaki Oshikawa (ISSP and Univ. of Tokyo, Japan) Measurement-induced entanglement between quantum spin chains

We discuss the entanglement between two critical spin chains induced by the Bell-state measurements, when each chain was independently in the ground state before the measurement. This corresponds to a many-body version of “entanglement swapping”. We employ a boundary conformal field theory (CFT) approach and describe the measurements as conformal boundary conditions in the replicated field theory. We show that the swapped entanglement exhibits a logarithmic scaling, whose coefficient takes a universal value determined by the scaling dimension of the boundary condition changing operator. We apply our framework to the critical spin-1/2 XXZ chain and determine the universal coefficient by the boundary CFT analysis, which is verified by a numerical calculation.

This talk is based on M. Hoshino, M. O., and Y. Ashida, arXiv:2406.12377

11:45 to 12:30 Sumilan Banerjee (IISc, India) Superconductor-Insulator Transition in Weakly Monitored Josephson Junction Arrays

In recent years, ‘measurement-induced phase transitions’ (MIPT), have led to a new paradigm for dynamical phase transitions in quantum many-body systems. I will discuss a model of continuously monitored or weakly measured arrays of Josephson junctions (JJAs) with feedback. Using a variational self-consistent harmonic approximation, as well as analysis in the semiclassical limit, strong feedback and measurement limit, and weak coupling perturbative renormalization group, I will show that the model undergoes re-entrant superconductor-insulator MIPTs in its long-time non-equilibrium steady state as a function of measurement and feedback strength. I will contrast the phase diagram of monitored JJA with the well-studied case of dissipative JJA.

14:00 to 15:30 Joel Moore (UC Berkeley, USA) Quantum information and other tools for understanding dynamical regimes far from thermalization (Lecture 3)

Many-body localization is one of several conceptual example of how an interacting system of many particles can fail to reach thermal equilibrium. This talk discusses the emerging understanding of systems that fail to thermalize, with a particular focus on quantum information quantities such as entanglement. The importance of entanglement as a constraint on classical computation is complemented by new approaches to measure entanglement in solid-state systems using old techniques such as neutron scattering. New experimental systems in quantum matter such as nitrogen vacancy centers in diamond are, at least on accessible time scales, neither localized nor conventionally thermalizing, and while simple phenomenological models seem to capture the physics in some cases, the reasons why such models work are so far not well understood.

16:15 to 17:00 R. Vijayaraghavan (TIFR Mumbai, India) Superconducting Circuits as a Platform for Quantum Many Body Physics Experiments


Friday, 29 November 2024
Time Speaker Title Resources
09:30 to 10:15 C M Chandrasekhar (IISc, India) Simulating quantum many-body system using photonic qubits


10:15 to 11:00 Uma Divakaran (IIT Palakkad) Chaos controlled and disorder driven phase transitions induced by breaking permutation symmetry

The effects of disorder and chaos on quantum many-body systems can be superficially similar, yet their interplay has not been sufficiently explored. We study this using an all to all interacting spin chain with disordered interacting term in presence of periodic kicks. The disorder free version of this model shows regular and chaotic dynamics within permutation symmetric subspace as the interaction strength is increased. When the disorder is increased, we find a transition from a dynamics within permutation symmetric subspace to full Hilbert space where the expectation values of various operators are given by random matrix theory in full Hilbert space. Interestingly, finite size scaling predicts a continuous phase transition at a critical disorder strength.

11:45 to 12:30 Arijit Saha (IOPB, India) Topological Superconductivity hosting Majorana States in Magnet/Superconductor Heterostructures

Our theoretical investigation explores a feasible route to engineer the two-dimensional (2D) Kitaev model of first-order topological superconductivity (TSC) introducing a magnetic spin texture. The main outcome of 2D Kitaev’s model is that a px + py type superconductor can exhibit a gapless topological superconducting phase in bulk hosting non-dispersive Majorana flat edge mode (MFEM) at the boundary. Our proposed general minimal model Hamiltonian is suitable to describe magnet/superconductor heterostructures. It reveals robust MFEM within the emergent gap of Shiba bands, spatially localised at the edges of a 2D magnetic domain of spin- spiral. We finally verify this concept from real material perspectives by considering Mn (Cr) monolayer grown on an s-wave superconducting substrate, Nb(110) under strain (Nb(001)). In both the 2D cases, the antiferromagnetic spin-spiral solutions exhibit robust MFEM at certain domain edges. This approach, particularly when the MFEM appears in the TSC phase for such heterostructure materials, offers significant prospect to extend the realm of TSC in 2D. Very recently, we expand this theoretical framework for engineering a 2D second-order topological superconductor (SOTSC) by utilizing a heterostructure: incorporating noncollinear magnetic textures between an s-wave superconductor and a 2D quantum spin Hall insulator. It stabilizes the SOTSC phase within the Shiba band, resulting in Majorana corner modes (MCMs) at the four corners of a 2D domain. The calculated non-zero quadrupole moment characterizes the bulk higher-order topology. Analytically calculated effective pairings in the bulk illuminate the microscopic behaviour of the SOTSC. Such first and second order Majorana modes are believed to be the building blocks for the fault-tolerant topological quantum computation.

Reference: Phys. Rev. B (Letter) 109, L041409 (2024) .
Phys. Rev. B (Letter) 109, L121301 (2024).