09:30 to 11:00 |
Subhasish Dutta Gupta (TIFR Hyderabad, India) |
Transverse spin with structured light The usual spin angular momentum (SAM) associated with featureless plane polarized light is
longitudinal, parallel or antiparallel to the direction of propagation depending on its helicity.
We look into the genesis of transverse spin in guided wave optics and plasmonics to expose
the nontrivial elusive effects of structured light. The structuring can be engineered in standard
waveguide or surface plasmon geometries, or using focused Gaussian and vector beams. We
explore various different optical systems (both planar and spherical) to enhance the elusive
effects. In particular, we exploit coupled modes, coherent perfect absorption, PT-symmetry to
enhance the transverse SAM.
11:30 to 13:00 |
Ayan Banerjee (IISER Kolkata, India) |
Focusing light till it spins particles: Spin orbit interaction of light in optical tweezers Engineering the angular momentum of light in optical tweezers using spin orbit interaction
In this talk, I shall describe our experiments over the last several years on generating rotational dynamics in microscopic particles trapped by optical tweezers by exploiting the spin orbit interaction and the spin Hall effect of light. Using the formalism developed in the tutorial, I shall show how the introduction of a refractive index stratified medium in the path of the input light, causes a spherically aberrated intensity profile near the focal region of the tweezers. The large z-component which arises due to the tight focusing, leads to the spin-Hall effect of light which causes the generation of spatially separated regions of opposite helicity near the focal region – where particles can be trapped and rotate (along the body-axis of the particles) according to the helicity they encounter. The rotation – which is a manifestation of the longitudinal spin angular momentum (LSAM) of the light – can also be switched on and off using a second optical tweezers, which demonstrates the flexibility and power of this technique towards optical micromanipulation [1]. I shall then move on to observations of orbital angular momentum (OAM) on birefringent micro-particles – which, intriguingly are dependent on the input helicity of circularly polarized light containing no intrinsic OAM – and thus, are manifestations of the elusive Belinfante spin momentum [2]. Finally, I shall describe our recipe towards generating clear signatures of transverse spin angular momentum (TSAM) in birefringent micro-particles, where we use a radially polarized LG beam having zero topological charge, and thus no intrinsic OAM [3]. The radial polarization implies zero LSAM, so that the spin angular momentum generated is entirely transverse, and leads to exotic rotation of the particles with the magnitude of TSAM also controllable by the refractive index contrast of the stratified medium. Fascinatingly, we elicit signatures of TSAM originating from solely the electric and magnetic fields of light by using radially and azimuthally polarized input beams, respectively – which is a rare demonstration of work done by these components of light individually in optical tweezers. Our design also leads to orbital motion of the trapped particles due to the Poynting vector – so that the experiment demonstrates a unique engineering of spin angular momentum using a combination of input polarization (which leads to TSAM) and refractive index stratification which leads to an extended intensity profile near the trap center that is capable of trapping particles off-axis to the beam and observing their rotational motion around the beam center.
- Manifestations of geometric phase and enhanced topological phase and spin Hall shifts in an optical trap, Basudev Roy, Nirmalya Ghosh, Ayan Banerjee, S. Dutta Gupta, and Soumyajit Roy, New Journal of Physics 16, 083037 (2014).
- Direct observation of the effects of spin dependent momentum of light in optical tweezers, Debapriya Pal, Subhasish Dutta Gupta, Nirmalya Ghosh, and Ayan Banerjee, APL Photonics 5, 086106 (2020).
- Using a structured vector beam to reveal intriguing angular momentum dynamics exploiting spin-orbit interaction, Ram Nandan Kumar, Subhasish Dutta Gupta, Nirmalya Ghosh, and Ayan Banerjee, manuscript under preparation.
Focusing light till it spins particles: Spin orbit interaction of light in optical tweezers
The paraxial approximation, which is the simple-most mathematical treatment required to produce light beams from plane waves, suppreses several interesting and exotic properties of structured light. Note that this approximation stems from the fact that the very act of confining light in the transverse direction immediately causes the plane wave solution of the wave equation to collapse – since the intensity becomes spatially dependent. What is often overlooked here is that this, in turn, breaks the transversality condition that lies at the heart of plane waves – namely that there can be no component of electric field in the direction of propagation of the wave (i.e. the z direction, along the wave vector k). The requirement that Gauss’s law needs to be satisfied for a source free region, and the fact that the electric field in the transverse directions are spatially varying, necessitates the existence of a longitudinal (z) component of the field – which leads to intriguing consequences. The most important consequence is the evolution of transverse components in the Poynting vector or the direction of energy/momentum flow. Now, the z component keeps on increasing as light is focused tightly using a microscope objective lens to produce optical tweezers – which have the ability of confining and manipulating mesoscopic particles. Indeed, optical tweezers also manipulate the properties of light significantly – since the transverse components of the Poynting vector increase significantly – so that the trajectory of circularly polarized light undergoes a transverse shift according to the direction of helicity – something known as the Spin-Hall effect of light. Other than this, tight focusing by a lens having high numerical aperture causes the k-vectors of an incident polarized Gaussian beam to bend differentially and follow different trajectories towards the focal region, so that an inhomogeneous spin-redirectional geometric phase is generated. The azimuthal gradient of this geometric phase causes the generation of an intrinsic orbital angular momentum (OAM), and the condition of conservation of total angular momentum causes different spin (or helicity) components to be associated with different OAM modes. This is called the spin-orbit interaction of light, which leads to different exotic effects in optical tweezers depending on the input state of polarization of light before tight focusing.
In this tutorial, I shall walk the students along this entire journey, and introduce them to the properties of light not regulated by the paraxial approximation. The dropping of this approximation immediately complicates the wave equation, which now needs to be solved in its entirety (without the second derivative of the field in the z direction being neglected). This is carried out using the angular spectrum method – where an input beam is decomposed in Fourier space into its spatial frequency components, and the real-space electric field near the focal region is determined by the interference of the constituent partial plane waves having different k vectors. Additionally, the action of the tight focusing lens is represented as a rotational transformation of the input electric field by an appropriate rotation matrix, with the polarization characteristics of the medium where the light propagates also being mapped by the Fresnel coefficients of the latter. I shall present in detail this vector diffraction theory, and demonstrate how this formalism beautifully explains spin-orbit interaction, and can be used to determine the electric field intensity in the vicinity of the focus, with the light propagating through a refractive index stratified medium after the focusing lens.
I shall also provide an understanding of the spin and OAM of light in terms of the Poynting vector, where the latter, which represents the total momentum, can be considered to be made up of two components – a canonical momentum which is proportional to the local phase gradient of the wave and thus may be associated with the OAM, and a spin momentum – which arises due to non-vanishing circulating currents at the boundary of confined light. This spin momentum, also known as Belinfante momentum – is a virtual quantity with zero energy flow, but generates spin angular momentum (SAM) density – both longitudinal and transverse. The effects of both OAM and SAM can be experimentally probed by mesoscopic particles trapped in optical tweezers, which I shall describe briefly. I shall elaborate more on the transverse SAM (TSAM) – which causes spinning motion of particles akin to a wheel. The TSAM is again a direct consequence of the large z component which tight focusing generates, and has been observed recently in experiments using interesting configurations of the input light.
Reading material:
- Controlled transportation of mesoscopic particles by enhanced spin orbit interaction of light in an optical trap, Basudev Roy, Nirmalya Ghosh, S. Dutta Gupta, Prasanta K. Panigrahi, Soumyajit Roy, and Ayan Banerjee, Physical Review A 87, 043823 (2013).
- Manifestations of geometric phase and enhanced topological phase and spin Hall shifts in an optical trap, Basudev Roy, Nirmalya Ghosh, Ayan Banerjee, S. Dutta Gupta, and Soumyajit Roy, New Journal of Physics 16, 083037 (2014).
- Extraordinary momentum and spin in evanescent waves, Konstantin Y. Bliokh, Aleksandr Y. Bekshaev, and Franco Nori, Nature Communications, 5:3300, DOI: 10.1038/ncomms4300 (2014).
- Direct observation of the effects of spin dependent momentum of light in optical tweezers, Debapriya Pal, Subhasish Dutta Gupta, Nirmalya Ghosh, and Ayan Banerjee, APL Photonics 5, 086106 (2020).
14:30 to 16:00 |
Pankaj Kumar Mishra (IIT Guwahati, India) |
Excitation spectrum of spin-orbit coupled spinor Bose-Einstein condensate Since its first realization in the laboratory experiment in 2011, spin-orbit coupled Bose-Einstein condensates (BECs) have been an active area of research in the condensed matter Physics. In general, the spin-orbit (SO) coupling, which emerges due to interaction between the intrinsic spin of an electron and the magnetic field induced by its motion, plays a prominent role in understanding the underlying mechanism of different fields of physics ranging from a single atom, for example, hydrogen atom to bulk materials like semiconductors. In condensed matter, the effect of SO coupling can lead to a variety of novel quantum phenomena such as topological insulators, topological superconductors, topological semimetals, and anomalous Hall effect. However, studying the effect of SO coupling in these naturally occurring systems faces serious challenges owing to its extreme difficulty in controlling the magnitude of SO coupling. In that case, SO coupling in BECs helps one to overcome this caveat since SO coupling in BECs is highly tunable [1,2].
The aim of this tutorial is to introduce the methodology based on Bogoliubov de Gennes theory to calculate the collective excitation spectrum for the SO coupled spin-1/2 BEC. We begin the calculation of the collective excitation spectrum for scalar BECs. After setting up the formalism we will demonstrate the excitation spectrum calculation for one-dimension SO coupled spin-1/2 BEC. The analysis will be extended for two-dimension. Further we will discuss the different kind of excitations modes that appear upon varying the spin-orbit coupling parameters for two-dimension BECs as reported in [3] . We will discuss many interesting phases like phonon, maxon and rotons using the analysis of eigenenergy of the excitation spectrum. Behaviour of eigenvector upon change of Rashba coupling suggests interesting manifestation of the density-like and spin-like modes in the stability and instability regime of the excitation spectrum respectively. We will show that the increase in Rashba coupling destabilizes the system while increase in Rabi coupling leads stabilization of the condensates.
[1] Y. J. Lin, K. J. Garcia and I. B. Spielman, Nature 471, 83-86 (2011).
[2] R. Ravisankar, T. Sriraman, R. Kishor Kumar, P. Muruganandam, and P. K. Mishra, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 54, 225301 (2021).
[3] R. Ravisankar , H. Fabrelli, A. Gammal, P. Muruganandam , and P. K. Mishra, Phys. Rev. A 104, 053315 (2021).
16:30 to 17:15 |
Nikolay I Zheludev (University of Southampton, UK) |
The Technology of Optical Superoscillations (Online) The lecture will focus on history of superoscillations in optics and recent advances in applications of artificial intelligence and superoscillatory light to far-field non-destructive localization and metrology with deeply subwavelength resolution
17:30 to 18:15 |
Achanta Venugopal (CSIR-NPL, New Delhi, India) |
Light-matter interaction in metamaterials Light-matter interaction has evolved from perturbative regimes of weak and strong coupling to the non-perturbative regimes of ultra-strong and deep strong coupling regimes [1,2]. To reach these regimes for their exotic physics and novel phenomena, one needs to realize very high quality factors or utilize cooperativity. In this talk, I will give two examples. One is an unpublished work on plasmonic quasicrystal (PlQC) structure with quantum dots (QDs) on it and the other is bound state in continuum (BIC) structures.
In the PlQC-QD structure, we performed detailed time resolved measurements that showed features of long range plasmon mediated exciton-exciton coupling [3]. These features include oscillations in temporal domain lasting much longer than the plasmon lifetime and shift in the photoluminescence (PL) spectra. The density dependent studies showed these features for very high density QDs indicating cooperativity. Estimates showed the plasmon-exciton coupling in the ultrastrong coupling regime with g/w > 0.1. In addition to the far-field measurements in the equilibrium state (cw PL and Goos-Hanchen (GH) shift) and temporal domain with 45 fsec time resolution, near-field studies showed emission from QDs far from the excitation spot and within the G-H shift.
Bound states in continuum are mathematical abstractions with zero linewidth or infinite quality factor resonances [4]. Recently, polarization vortex at a BIC resonance was reported [5]. We numerically studied the near- and far-field profiles of the reflected light beam from a designed metasurface at BIC resonance. The designed structures were fabricated and studied the response. We observed polarization independent BIC resonance as well as conversion of a gaussian beam to a Bessel-Gauss beam on reflection [6,7].
Acknowledgments : The works being presented have contributions from my group members and collaborators including, Banoj Kumar, Nayak, Abhinav Kala, Pravin Vaity, Harshavardhan Gupta, Shilpa Samdhani, Ajith P. Ravishankar, Ch. N. Rao, S. Dutta Gupta, Yuri S Kivshar, and Vladimir R Tuz.
References :
- A. F. Kockum, A. Miranowicz, S. De Liberato, S. Savasta, F. Nori, “Ultrastrong Coupling between Light and Matter” Nature Rev. Phys. 1, 19 (2019).
- P. Forn-Diaz, L. Lamata, E. Rico, J. Kono, E. Solano, “Ultrastrong Coupling Regimes of Light-Matter Interaction” Rev. Mod. Phys. 91, 025005 (2019).
- B. K. Nayak, A. Kala, S. Samdani, A. P. Ravishankar, Ch. N. Rao, Venu Gopal Achanta, “Long range dipole-dipole coupling mediated by surface plasmon polaritons” (To be submitted).
- K. Koshelev, G. Favraud, A. Bogdanov, Y. Kivshar, and A. Fratalocchi,"Nonradiating photonics with resonant dielectric nanostructures," Nanophotonics 8, 725 2019.
- H. M. Doeleman, "Experimental observation of a polarization vortex at an optical bound state in the continuum," Nature Photonics 12, 397 (2018).
- P. Vaity, and Venu Gopal Achanta, “Angular Spectrum of Bound State in the Continuum for Near and Far Field Analysis”, JW1A.177, CLEO 2021.
- P. Vaity, H. Gupta, A. Kala, S. Dutta Gupta, Y. S. Kivshar, V. R. Tuz, and Venu Gopal Achanta, “Polarization-Independent Quasibound States in the Continuum”
18:30 to 19:30 |
Andrea Aiello (Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light, Germany) |
On the helicity decomposition of spin and orbital optical currents (Online) The helicity representation of the linear momentum density of a light wave is well understood for monochromatic optical fields in both paraxial and non-paraxial regimes of propagation.
Recently, we have generalized such representation to nonmonochromatic optical fields (see, Andrea Aiello, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 55 244004 (2022)). In this talk we show that, differently from the monochromatic case, the linear momentum density, aka the Poynting vector divided by the square of the speed of light, does not separate into the sum of right-handed and left-handed terms, even when the so-called electric-magnetic democracy in enforced by averaging the electric and magnetic contributions. However, for quasimonochromatic light, such a separation is approximately restored after time-averaging.