7th May |
- Registration Time : 9:30 - 10:00
- Welcome address by Director and/or Dean ICTS-TIFR
- Welcome by PI RAD @ home
- Review of RGB and contour mapping, and How to and what to discover from
- GMRT (TGSS ADR1) using SAO ds9 and NASA Skyview
8th May |
- "What is so interesting about Astronomy?"
-Prof Chiranjib Konar (Amity University & RAD @ home)
Lecture Slide
- "Multiwavelength view of galaxies (Repeat talk)"
-Dr. Sravani Vaddi (NCRA-TIFR & RAD @ home)
9th May |
- "Accretion around black holes: low- to ultra-luminous sources"
-Prof. Banibrata Mokhopadhya (IISc)
- "Spiral and elliptical galaxies and AGN-driven Galaxy Evolution"
-Prof. Ananda Hota (UM-DAE CEBS & RAD @ home)
10th May |
- "Active galactic nuclei: the luminous sources in the sky"
-Prof. C S. Stalin (IIA)
- "Clusters of galaxies and dynamical processes like Merger and AGN feedback"
-Prof. Prateek Sharma (IISc) Lecture Slide
11th May |
- "Giant Radio Galaxies (Repeat talk)"
-Mr Pratik Dabhade (IUCAA, Leiden University & RAD @ home)
12th May |
- Summary of possible Discoveries made