1. Algebra: A Categorical Perspective

    Instructor: Pranav Pandit

    Venue: Chern Lecture Hall, ICTS Campus, Bangalore

    Course description: This will be an advanced course in algebra, emphasizing the categorical viewpoint and the methods of homological algebra. Topics that we will aim to discuss include categories and functors, (co)limits and Kan extensions, adjunctions and monads, derived categories, derived functors, algebras and their representation theory, and Galois theory.

    Prerequisites: The equivalent of a one-year graduate-level course in algebra

    First meeting: 11:00 am, Tuesday, 6th August 2019

    For more details, see the PDF

  2. MA 396: Theory of large deviations and related topics

    Instructor: Anirban Basak

    Email: anirban.basak@icts.res.in

    Course webpage: https://home.icts.res.in/~anirban/MA396-2019.html

    Office hours: to be announced later.

    Office location: to be announced later.

    Class time and location: Tu Th 2.00-3.30 PM, LH-3, IISc Mathematics department.

    Prerequisite: This is a graduate level topics course in probability theory. The graduate-level measure-theoretic probability will be useful, but not a requirement. The course will be accessible to advanced undergraduates who have had sufficient exposure to probability.

    Course outline: Large deviations provide quantitative estimates of the probabilities of rare events in (high-dimensional) stochastic systems. The course will begin with the general foundations of the theory of large deviations and will cover classical large deviations techniques. In the latter part of the course some recent developments, such as large deviations in the context of random graphs and matrices, and their application in statistical physics will be discussed.

    Suggested books:

    1. Amir Dembo and Ofer Zeitouni, Large Deviations Techniques and Applications.
    2. Firas Rassoul-Agha and Timo Seppäläinen, A Course on Large Deviations with an Introduction to Gibbs Measures.
    3. Marc Mézard and Andrea Montanari, Information, Physics, and Computation.
    4. Sourav Chatterjee, Large Deviations for Random Graphs.

    A weekly schedule will be posted later.

    Grading: Students taking this course for credit are required to do a (reading) project, submit a report, and give a presentation on the same at the end of the semester. Depending on the number of registered students the grading scheme may change.

  3. Introduction to Topology and Geometry

    Instructor: Rukmini Dey

    Venue: Feynman Lecture Hall, ICTS Campus, Bangalore

    Meeting Time: Monday: 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm and Friday: 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm

    First Meeting: 7th August 2019



    1. Pointset topology: open sets, closed sets, notions of continuity, connected sets, compact sets etc, homeomorphism, homotopy etc.
    2. Covering spaces, Fundamental Group and Simplicial Homology --basic definitions and examples and methods of computing them.


    1. Differential geometry of curves and surfaces: the curvature of curves, Serre-Frenet formula, tangent planes, Gauss map, principal curvatures, Gaussian and mean curvature.
    2. Manifolds, vector fields on manifolds, Lie algebra, Lie group, their action on manifolds.
    3. Differential forms on manifolds; de Rham cohomology


The following is the list of courses offered at IISc. For the current list see:

Core Elective Courses

Course No. Course Title
MA 212 Algebra I
MA 219 Linear Algebra
MA 221 Analysis I: Real Analysis
MA 231 Topology
MA 261 Probability Models
MA 223 Functional Analysis
MA 232 Introduction to Algebraic Topology
MA 242 Partial Differential Equations
MA 213 Algebra II
MA 222 Analysis II : Measure and Integration
MA 224 Complex Analysis
MA 229 Calculus on Manifolds
MA 241 Ordinary Differential Equations

Advanced Elective Courses

Course No. Course Title
MA 215 Introduction to Modular Forms
MA 277 Advanced PDE and Finite Element Method
MA 361 Probability Theory
MA 368 Topics in Probability and Stochastic Processes
MA 278 Introduction to Dynamical Systems Theory
MA 313 Algebraic Number Theory
MA 314 Introduction to Algebraic Geometry
MA 315 Lie Algebras and their Representations
MA 317 Introduction to Analytic Number Theory
MA 319 Algebraic Combinatorics
MA 320 Representation Theory of Compact Lie Groups
MA 332 Algebraic Topology
MA 364 Linear and Nonlinear Time Series Analysis
MA 369 Quantum Mechanics