The schedule of ICTS courses for Aug-Nov 2016 is given below:
- Classical Physics (Aug 2016)
Instructor: Samriddhi Sankar Ray
Contact: ssray [at] icts . res . in
Timings: Tuesdays and Thursdays, 3.00 - 4.30 pmThe First class is Scheduled for 2-August-2016 at Emmy Noether Seminar Room, ICTS campus, Bangalore.
- Statistical Physics 2 (Aug 2016)
Instructor: Anupam Kundu and Abhishek Dhar
Contact: anupam.kundu [at] icts . res . in, abhishek.dhar [at] icts . res . in
Timings: Wednesdays and Fridays, 03.00 pm - 04.30 pm
Venue: Emmy Noether Seminar Room, ICTS campus, BangaloreThe First class is Scheduled on Wednesday, 3-August-2016
Course outline:
Thermodynamics (revision) & Probability
Formulation of Statistical Mechanics,
Gibbs distribution, Connection with thermodynamics,
Rules of CalculationExamples: Ideal gases, Magnet (classical)
Quantum statistical mechanics, ideal gases (quantum)Other examples: Harmonic crystals, Black body radiation, Diatomic molecules
Interacting gas
Phase transitions: Criticality, Universality
Mean field theoryExact models
Landau Ginzburg Theory
Correlations and fluctuationsRenormalization Group theory
Kinetic theory of gases: BBGKY hierarchy,
The Boltzmann equation, H-Theorem and Irreversibility
Transport theoryRandom Processes: Markov Processes, Random walk, Brownian motion
Master equation, Fokker-Planck equationLinear response theory
1) Statistical Physics of particles, M. Kardar
2) Statistical Mechanics, R. K. Pathria and P. D. Baule
3) Statistical Physics, L.D. Landau and E. M. Lifshitz
4) Statistical Mechanics, F. Schwabl
5) Applications of Classical Physics, R. G. Blandford and Kip S. Thorne
- Quantum Mechanics II (Aug 2016)
Instructor: Subhro Bhattacharjee
Contact: subhro [at] icts . res . in
Timings: Tuesdays and Thursdays, 9.30 am - 11.00 am
Venue: Emmy Noether Seminar Room, ICTS campus, BangaloreThe First class is Scheduled for 4-August-2016
Course outline:
- Logistics
- Tutorials and office hours: To be announced in the first class.
- Mark allotment
- Homework assignments : (typically one every two weeks) 40%
- Examinations : mid-term 20%, end-term 30%
- Term paper : (duration 10 weeks approximately) 10%
- Syllabus
- Brief Review of quantum mechanics 1: Linear vector spaces, quantum states and operators, Superposition principle, Uncertainty principle, Schrodinger Equation, Schrodinger, Heisenberg and Interaction pictures, 1D Harmonic Oscillator, Hydrogen Atom, idea of a spin=1/2 systems.
- Symmetries in quantum mechanics: Implementation of symmetries and Conservation Laws in quantum mechanics, Space-time symmetries: Translation in space and time, Rotations and Angular Momentum algebra, Time reversal Invariance, charge conjugation.
- Approximation methods and perturbation theory: variational methods, WKB approximations, Stationary and time dependent perturbation theories, Sudden and Adiabatic approximations.
- Scattering theory: Partial wave expansion, Born Approximations, scattering by a coulomb field, S- Matrix.
- Geometric phases in quantum mechanics and coupling to a radiation field : Minimal coupling to a Maxwell field, gauge invariance in quantum mechanics, Aharonov- Bohm effect, Geometric phases
- Quantum mechanics for relativistic quantum particles: Klein-Gordon equation and wave equation for a photon field, Quantti Dirac equation, spin of an electron.
- Identical particles and second quantisation: Identical particles (fermions and bosons), Creation and annihilation operators for Harmonic oscillator, Coherent states, Fock space, second quantisation of for bosons and fermions, Scattering of identical particles.
- References
- (Principle Reference) Modern Quantum Mechanics, J. J. Sakurai and J. J. Napolitano.
- Quantum Mechanics: Fundamentals, K. Gotfried and T.-M. Yan.
- Quantum Mechanics, E. Merzbacher.
- Quantum Mechanics, V. K. Thankappan.
- Landau Lifshitz, Vol-3.
- Advanced Quantum Mechanics, F. Schwabl.
- Logistics
- Quantum aspects of black holes and the information paradox (Aug 2016)
Instructor: Suvrat Raju
Contact: suvrat [at] icts . res . in
Timings: Wednesdays, 11.30 am - 1.00 pm and Fridays, 2.00 pm - 3.30 pm
Venue: Raman Building, IISc, Bangalore(Meeting Times are subject to change. If this clashes with some other class or commitment, please try and come to the first lecture so that we can decide on a time that is convenient for everyone then.)
The First class is Scheduled on Wednesday, 17-August-2016
Course outline:
Credits: 3 credits
Pre-requisites: Quantum Field Theory, General Relativity
Quantum fields in curved spacetime; Rindler quantization in flat space; notion of particles and Unruh detectors; classical aspects of black holes; black hole thermodynamics; Hawking radiation; the old information paradox and its resolution; modern versions of the information paradox; black-hole complementarityTextbooks:
We will consult
1) Wald, Quantum Field Theory in Curved Spacetime and Black Hole Thermodynamics
2) Birrel and Davies, Quantum Fields in Curved Space
3) Wald, General Relativity.However, since a substantial fraction of the material to be covered is relatively recent, we will also consult a number of original papers and recent review articles.