20 July 2019 ICTS Scientists’ Research Highlighted by the Journal of Fluid Mechanics S. G. Ganga Prasath , Rama Govindarajan and Vishal Vasan ’s recently published paper titled ‘...more
24 April 2019 Sydney Brenner (1927-2019) Dr Sydney Brenner, a leading pioneer in genetics and molecular biology, a true visionary and one of...more
22 April 2019 Manjul Bhargava elected Fellow of the Royal Society of London Dr. Manjul Bhargava , R. Brandon Fradd Professor of Mathematics at Princeton University and member...more
12 March 2019 Abhirup Ghosh’s Science Story Among the top 100 Entries at DST Science Writing Competition Abhirup Ghosh's (former doctoral student, ICTS) submission towards the Augmenting Writing Skills...more
07 March 2019 Rukmini Dey awarded Core Research grant of SERB Prof. Rukmini Dey , ICTS faculty member in the area of Mathematical Physics and Geometry has been...more
22 February 2019 Satya Majumdar has been awarded the 2019 European Physical Society - Statistical and Nonlinear Physics Prize Satya Majumdar is Director of Research (CNRS) at the Laboratoire de Physique Theorique et Modeles...more
11 February 2019 Manas Kulkarni awarded the SERB Early Career Research award Manas Kulkarni , ICTS faculty member in the area of Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics, has...more
16 January 2019 Michael Francis Atiyah (1929-2019) Michael Francis Atiyah, one of the most significant mathematicians of the second half of the 20th...more
10 December 2018 K. G. Arun awarded Swarnajayanti Fellowship K. G. Arun , professor of physics at the Chennai Mathematical Institute and an ICTS associate...more
04 December 2018 Manas Kulkarni awarded the CEFIPRA research grant Manas Kulkarni of ICTS-TIFR Bengaluru has been awarded the research grant by CEFIPRA (Indo-French...more