22 February 2019

Satya Majumdar is Director of Research (CNRS) at the  Laboratoire de Physique Theorique et Modeles Statistique (LPTMS) in Universite’ de Paris-Sud (Orsay), France and is a member of the ICTS management board. He has been named as recepient of the 2019 EPS - Statistical and Nonlinear Physics Prize, jointly with eminent experimental physicist Sergio Ciliberto (ENS Lyon) . 

Majumdar works in the area of statistical physics. He has made outstanding contributions in a broad range of subjects including extreme value statistics, random matrix theory and its applications, persistence and first-passage properties in non-equilibrium systems, classical and quantum resetting, various problems in random walks and the statistics of records. Apart from his impressive body of work in statistical physics, Majumdar is well known for the clarity of his talks and pedagogical lectures. He is a regular lecturer in the Bangalore School on Statistical Physics where he is one of the most popular lecturers.