Quantum physics governs the world around us, from materials that we use to devices that we carry. But there is more than that meets the eye in the quantum regime, which prompted physicists to explore new technological frontiers with some of the ‘hidden’ properties of quantum mechanics. There is now world-wide effort to make quantum computers, create internet that is built with quantum-enhanced security, and make sensors that have sensitivity that is fundamentally impossible to beat. These developments constitute the domain of ‘quantum technologies’. In this talk I shall provide a bird’s eye view of this rapidly expanding field of research and technology, which may revolutionize our day-to-day life in the years to come. The goal will be to review some of the basic principles of quantum physics that quantum technologies rely on, and also provide examples of how they are getting implemented in real devices.
About the Speaker:-
Prof. Arindam Ghosh is a Professor of Physics at the Indian Institute of Science in Bangalore, India. His research interest involves fundamental understanding of physics and device concepts in multiple two- dimensional (2D) electron systems, with emphasis on transport, optical and thermal properties of layered membranes. The emphasis of his research lies in ultra-sensitive optical detection, tunable thermoelectric designs, and power efficient memory devices for neuromorphic applications. Prof. Ghosh’s group was among the first to demonstrate strong light-matter interaction in binary heterostructures of graphene and transition metal dichalcogenides, and also measure electrical noise in atomically thin two-dimensional systems. Prof. Ghosh has guided nearly twenty PhD students so far, and serves on the Editorial/Advisory board of several international journals from Springer, IoP and ACS and conferences. He has been the recipient of several recognitions and fellowships including the Swarnajayanti Fellowship, IBM-IUSSTF (Indo-US Science and Technology Forum) fellowship in Nanotechnology, the Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar Prize, Oxford Instruments Young NanoScientist Award, P.K. Aiyenger Memorial Award, the J. C. Bose National fellowship and the Infosys prize 2020.