This is a part of Masterclasses at King's College London. The goal will be to cover certain aspects of non-equilibrium dynamics and it will be catered to attendees with Physics or Mathematics backgrounds. All lectures will be from 10 am-12noon UK time zone. There will be 3 sessions and in addition to lecture notes, I will also provide additional tutorial material. Some details are given below.
Instructor: Manas Kulkarni,
Session 1: (September 5, 2022, Monday)
1) Motivation and general construction of non-equilibrium systems
2) System-Bath approach and non-equilibrium dynamics
3) Exact numerics, Quantum Master Equation, and Quantum Langevin Equation
Session 2: (September 6, 2022, Tuesday)
1) Examples of hybrid light-matter systems
2) Exact solvability of Jaynes - Cummings Model
3) Localization - delocalization in light-matter systems
Session 3: (September 7, 2022, Wednesday)
1) Dicke and the Tavis-Cummings Model
2) Hermitian and non-Hermitian Random Matrix Theory
3) Disordered non-Hermitian systems
Tutorial (Related to Session 1):
Density matrix approach to Quantum Mechanics.
Quantum Mechanics of Composite Systems.
Partial traces and reduced density matrices for sub-systems.
Tutorial 2: (Related to Session 2)
Numerical algorithm for the solution of the Driven Dissipative Jaynes-Cummings model.
Numerical implementation: MATLAB code for Driven Dissipative Jaynes-Cummings model.