V. Nanal (TIFR, India), R. Palit (TIFR, India) and R.G. Pillay (TIFR, India)
07 November 2011 to 18 November 2011
International Center, Goa

A finite nucleus is a unique mesoscopic system composed of strongly interacting neutrons and protons. Investigation of its structure at varying angular momentum, isospin and temperature provides new insight about the dynamics involved in the variety of emergent phenomena in this many-body system. With the advent of new accelerator facilities in India and worldwide, it is now possible to explore nuclear properties at limits of binding. This has thrown open a wide forum of novel nuclear physics problems in different length scales. 

Nuclear physics research is focused on exploring the science of atomic nuclei, its relevance in understanding processes like supernova and addressing open questions about fundamental symmetries of nature. A finite nucleus is a unique mesoscopic system composed of strongly interacting neutrons and protons. Investigation of its structure at varying angular momentum, isospin and temperature provides new insight about the dynamics involved in the variety of emergent phenomena in this many-body system. With the advent of new accelerator facilities in India and worldwide, it is now possible to explore nuclear properties at limits of binding. This has thrown open a wide forum of novel nuclear physics problems in different length scales. The goal of this program is to identify and understand the problems that need to be addressed in the area of nuclear structure and reaction with the present and upcoming accelerator facilities which will provide stable and radioactive ion beams.

The program will be held at International Centre, Goa and has two parts: a two day workshop (Nov. 7-8, 2011) featuring open research problems at forefront followed by a school (Nov. 9-18, 2011) aimed to introduce young researchers to exciting developments in the field of nuclear physics. The school is planned to provide an introduction to stable and RIB physics at the level of graduate students and will focus on some of novel features of the structure and dynamics of exotic nuclei. Due to limited availability of accommodation, total number of participants in school will be restricted to about 40. Interested young researchers (Graduate students / Post-doctoral fellows) should apply (using the link "Apply" above) before 15th June 2011. Selected candidates will be informed by 15th July 2011. The participants are required to attend the complete program (workshop + school) and will be provided local hospitality. It may be possible to provide travel support for a few participants.

The workshop (Nov.7-8, 2011) will consist of invited talks and interested scientists can send a mail to before 31st July 2011. Total number of participants will be restricted to about 100.


anup11icts  gmailcom