This program is centered around Knot theory and its applications to various disciplines of mathematics and other areas of science. Due to its applications in other disciplines, Knot theory has acquired an important place in terms of research globally. However, this area has not been so strongly studied in India. The aim of this program is to provide exposure of this subject to young researchers in India and enthuse them to work on knot theory.
There will be two components of the program, an advanced school (December 10-15) followed by a discussion meeting (Dec 16-20).
The advanced school is mainly for graduate students and young researchers who are either working or wanting to work in knot theory and related areas. It will be divided into six series of three lectures (one hour each) along with two tutorials on each topic adding up to 18 lecture hours and 12 tutorial hours. The topics include: Combinatorial Knot theory, Knot Quandles, Knot homologies, Surface knots, Knot theory and 3-manifolds, Knot invariants.
The discussion meeting is meant for connecting the lecture topics of the school to active research areas and will lead to the frontiers of current research and trends in knot theory and its applications. The chosen topics cover the latest developments in these areas. The program will involve researchers from around the globe as well as enthusiastic young graduate and post-doctoral students.