Alexander Bershadsky (Weizmann Institute, Israel & NUS Singapore), Maithreyi Narasimha (TIFR, India), Sriram Ramaswamy (IISc, India), Madan Rao (NCBS-TIFR, India) and GV Shivashankar (NUS, Singapore & NCBS-TIFR, India)
28 October 2010 to 08 November 2010
National Centre for Biological Science, Bangalore

Mechanical signalling has emerged as an important regulator of cell biology and physiology. Forces, flows and fluctuations can have remarkable influences on the properties of molecules, cells, tissues and organs. How living systems generate, sense and transduce mechanical stimuli, and what consequences these have for development and disease are questions that are intrinsically interdisciplinary and have captured the interests not just of biologists but also engineers, mathematicians and theoretical physicists.

The school will bring together leading researchers engaged in understanding the active mechanical principles regulating an amazing diversity of biological systems over a variety of length scales using experimental and theoretical interdisciplinary approaches. The program will combine pedagogy and research with leisurely and detailed scientific interactions and serve to train advanced students, postdocs and faculty from India and abroad in this young and rapidly growing area at the interface of biology and the physical sciences and engineering.

Application Details:             

This course is primarily intended for senior graduate students and postdoctoral researchers and faculty and talented undergraduates.
Housing will be provided in comfortable rooms on the NCBS campus. All meals will be provided during the course.
Application Procedure:
All participants are requested to apply by submitting the following material to by 25th August 2010:
1) A CV
2) A one page description of your research interest and reason for wanting to participate in the school OR an abstract for poster presentation.
3) One or ideally two letters of recommendation (submitted separately by the referees to )
We will select around 60 students on a competitive basis. Selected candidates will be informed of their selection by 30th August.
LivMech2010  gmailcom