No living organism escapes evolutionary change. Evolutionary biology thus connects all biological disciplines. To understand the processes driving evolution, we need a theoretical framework to predict and test evolutionary changes in populations. Population genetics, which is often regarded as a cornerstone of evolutionary biology, allows quantitative predictions of evolutionary processes, integrating mathematical and statistical concepts with fundamental biological principles of genetic inheritance and processes such as mutation and selection.
The Third Bangalore School on Population Genetics and Evolution (PGE2018) aims to expose students and researchers from diverse backgrounds to the basics and the forefront of current research in population genetics. We welcome students of biology, mathematics, medicine, physics, and statistics who are interested in evolutionary theory to this program. The school will introduce and develop an understanding of population genetics and quantitative genetics, and their applications. Several problem solving sessions, research seminars and dedicated poster sessions will also be held during this program.
The topics that will be covered during PGE2018 include:
- Evolution of sex and ecological range
- Evolution of genome structure
- Fitness landscapes in theory and application
- Genotype-phenotype map
- Coalescent theory and its applications
There is no registration fee for participating in the program. Partial travel support, and food and accommodation on the ICTS campus, will be provided for outstation participants. The program is targeted towards advanced PhD students and postdocs. In exceptional cases, we may also accept PhD students at an earlier stage. Participants from Bangalore are also requested to register, for organizational purpose.
Please prepare the following application materials: an updated CV and a 300 word paragraph stating your current research, your future research goals, and your reasons for attending the course. When you are ready, submit your application here.
You will be asked to provide the name and email address of your primary research advisor who can provide a letter of reference for you. Your advisor will receive a link to upload their letter. Please ensure that your advisor uploads the letter by 18 Nov.
Decision regarding your application will be conveyed by 30 Nov 2017