09:30 to 10:00 |
Rakesh Mishra (TIGS, India) |
10:00 to 10:30 |
Argyris Papantonis (University Medical Center Göttingen, Germany) |
Senescent cells cluster CTCF on nuclear speckles to sustain their splicing program Senescence —the endpoint of replicative lifespan for normal cells— is established via a complex sequence of molecular events. One such event is the dramatic reorganization of CTCF into senescence-induced clusters (SICCs). However, the molecular determinants, genomic consequences, and functional purpose of SICCs remained unknown. Here, we combine functional assays, super-resolution imaging, and 3D genomics with computational modelling to dissect SICC emergence. We establish that the competition between CTCF-bound and non-bound loci dictates clustering propensity. Upon senescence entry, cells repurpose SRRM2 —a key component of nuclear speckles— and BANF1 —a ‘molecular glue’ for chromosomes— to cluster CTCF and rewire genome architecture. This CTCF-centric reorganization in reference to nuclear speckles functionally sustains the senescence splicing program, as SICC disruption fully reverts alternative splicing patterns. We therefore uncover a new paradigm, whereby cells translate changes in nuclear biochemistry into architectural changes directing splicing choices so as to commit to the fate of senescence.
11:00 to 11:30 |
M. Nishana (IISER Thiruvananthapuram, India) |
11:30 to 12:00 |
Sabarinathan Radhakrishnan (NCBS, India) |
Understanding the role of chromatin structure in shaping cancer evolution Cancer originates from normal cells due to the accumulation of genetic alterations, or mutations, caused by different mutational processes acting throughout an individual's lifetime. However, only a small subset of these mutations, known as drivers, can give somatic cells a selective growth advantage and lead to the formation of a tumour. In addition to this, heritable non-genetic changes (such as modifications to histones and chromatin architecture), due to preceding genetic alterations or other mechanisms, can help tumour cells further evolve by adapting to different stresses from the tumour microenvironment. To better understand and combat tumour evolution, it is crucial to comprehend the fundamental processes underlying the origin of genomic alterations and their mechanisms of action. Although some of these aspects have been studied independently, there is still limited understanding of their mechanisms in the context of chromatin structure, which affects DNA accessibility to various biological processes such as DNA replication, DNA damage and repair, and gene regulation. To address this gap, my lab aims to study how chromatin structure influences the origin and impact of genomic alterations in tumour evolution, by using computational and functional genomics. In this talk, I will present some of our efforts in decoding the influence of chromatin structure in somatic mutational processes and gene-regulation in cancers; and identifying prognostic markers through large-scale genome analyses.
12:00 to 12:15 |
Sweety Meel (NCBS, India) |
Securing the future of daughter cells by preserving the past of chromatin structure and function Mitotic chromosomes lose interphase-specific genome organization and transcription but gain histone phosphorylation, specifically H3S10p. This phosphorylation event compacts chromosomes in early mitosis by reducing inter-nucleosomal distance before the loading of condensins. However, it is unclear if H3S10p in mitosis preserves the identity of lost chromatin domains and promoters, both physically and functionally. Here, using the pre-mitotic expression of histone H3S10 and its mutants H3S10A and H3S10D, we show that H3S10p hyper-phosphorylates active promoters and spreads into super-domains A in mitosis, causing compaction of these regions. By spreading into active domains in the absence of genome organization, H3S10p retains their identity physically. Functionally, H3S10p ensures optimal closing of promoters by stabilizing the nucleosomes, thereby protecting them from excess loading of transcription machinery post-mitosis. In the H3S10p phospho-mutants, these chromatin regions fail to condense properly during mitosis. As a result, they exhibit enhanced accessibility and transcription of active genes in the next interphase. We propose that the spreading of mitotic H3S10p into active domains preserves their identity during mitosis and, in subsequent interphase, acts as a rheostat to fine-tune transcription and chromatin domain re-formation.
12:15 to 12:30 |
Shreeta Chakraborty (NIH, USA) |
Enhancers on the Loose: Unveiling the determinants of susceptibility to disruption of chromatin structure. CTCF-mediated chromatin loops play a crucial role in facilitating interactions between distal genomic regions. These loops have also been proposed to insulate enhancers from contacting with promoters in neighboring domains to prevent ectopic gene activation. However, the in vivo significance of this model has not been thoroughly tested. To test whether chromosome domains with higher density of developmental regulators are more susceptible to disruption of chromatin structure, we deleted a 25kb region containing four CTCF motifs at the boundary of a domain harboring the Fgf3, Fgf4, and Fgf15 loci. These genes with distinct spatiotemporal expression are critical for cell fate specification, patterning and organogenesis. Strikingly, heterozygous mutants showed perinatal lethality and encephalocele¬, a neural tube closure defect¬¬ caused by over-proliferation of neural tissue, abnormal cranial morphology, and skull bone hypoplasia. To confirm that these defects arise from loss of CTCF mediated insulation, we replaced the 25kb boundary with a 672 bp transgene containing the four CTCF motifs, flanked by loxP sites. Re-introduction of CTCF motifs rescued the phenotypes and confirmed the role of CTCF boundaries. The Fgf3/4/15 genes were ectopically over-expressed in the midbrain and recapitulated the expression pattern of Ano1 gene, located in an upstream domain. This suggested that loss of CTCF resulted in aberrant contact of the Fgf genes with Ano1 enhancers. We performed region capture Micro-C in midbrain and visualized complete loss of loops, domain fusion and ectopic interaction of potential Ano1 enhancer with Fgf3 gene in mutant embryos. Interestingly, deletion of Ano1 enhancers along with CTCF motifs completely prevented the deleterious phenotypes. Surprisingly, among the four motifs in the boundary, deletion of one CTCF motif oriented towards Ano1 enhancer was enough to recapitulate encephalocele defect. Our work depicts how the effect of chromatin structure perturbation on gene regulation is highly dependent on developmental context, and that loss of a single CTCF motif in a gene-rich domain boundary can perturb higher-order chromatin organization and cause a detrimental effect in fetal development.
12:30 to 14:30 |
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Lunch + poster |
14:30 to 15:00 |
Uttiya Basu (Columbia University, USA) |
Mechanism of Somatic Hypermutation in B cell immunity and lymphomagenesis B cells undergoing physiologically programmed or aberrant genomic alterations provide an opportune system to study the causes and consequences of genome mutagenesis. Activated B cells in germinal centers express activation-induced cytidine deaminase (AID) to accomplish physiological somatic hypermutation (SHM) of their antibody-encoding genes. In attempting to diversify their immunoglobulin (Ig) heavy- and light-chain genes, several B-cell clones successfully optimize their antigen-binding affinities. However, SHM can sometimes occur at non-Ig loci, causing genetic alternations that lay the foundation for lymphomagenesis, particularly diffuse large B-cell lymphoma. Thus, SHM acts as a double-edged sword, bestowing superb humoral immunity at the potential risk of initiating disease. We refer to off-target, non-Ig AID mutations - that are often but not always associated with disease - as aberrant SHM (aSHM). A key challenge in understanding SHM and aSHM is determining how AID targets and mutates specific DNA sequences in the Ig loci to generate antibody diversity and non-Ig genes to initiate lymphomagenesis. Herein, we discuss some current advances regarding the regulation of AID's DNA mutagenesis activity in B cells.
15:00 to 15:30 |
Ramesh Yelagandula (CDFD, India) |
16:00 to 16:30 |
Pradeepa Madapura (Queen Mary University, UK) |
16:30 to 17:00 |
Chandrima Das (SINP, India) |
17:00 to 17:15 |
Avik Pal (NCBS, India) |
Upstream regulator of genomic imprinting in rice endosperm is a small RNA-associated chromatin remodeler CLSY3 Genomic imprinting is observed in endosperm, a placenta-like seed tissue, where transposable elements (TEs) and repeat-derived small(s)RNAs mediate epigenetic changes in plants. In imprinting, uniparental gene expression arises due to parent-specific epigenetic marks on one allele but not on the other. The importance of sRNAs and their regulation in endosperm development or in imprinting is poorly understood in crops. Here we show that a previously uncharacterized CLASSY (CLSY)-family chromatin remodeler named OsCLSY3 is essential for rice endosperm development and imprinting, acting as an upstream player in sRNA pathway. Comparative transcriptome and genetic analysis indicated its endosperm-preferred expression and its paternally imprinted nature. These important features were modulated by RNA-directed DNA methylation (RdDM) of tandemly arranged TEs in its promoter. Upon perturbation of OsCLSY3 in transgenic lines we observed defects in endosperm development and loss of around 70% of all sRNAs. Interestingly, well-conserved endosperm-specific sRNAs (siren) that are vital for reproductive fitness in angiosperms were dependent on OsCLSY3. We also observed many imprinted genes and seed development-associated genes under the control of CLSY3-dependent RdDM. These results support an essential role of OsCLSY3 in rice endosperm development and imprinting, and propose similar regulatory strategies involving CLSY3 homologs among other cereals.