09:15 to 10:45 |
Christian Hilbe (IT:U Interdisciplinary Transformation University, Austria) |
Evolutionary game theory and the evolution of cooperation In a series of four lectures, I give an introduction to evolutionary game theory and the literature on the evolution of cooperation. This series covers
(i) Evolutionary game theory in infinite and finite populations (Replicator dynamics, Moran process);
(ii) Evolution of cooperation and direct reciprocity
(iii) Social norms and the evolution of indirect reciprocity
(iv) Some current research directions (e.g., direct reciprocity in complex environments).
11:15 to 12:45 |
Vivek S. Borkar (Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, India) |
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14:15 to 15:45 |
Christian Hilbe (IT:U Interdisciplinary Transformation University, Austria) |
Evolutionary game theory and the evolution of cooperation In a series of four lectures, I give an introduction to evolutionary game theory and the literature on the evolution of cooperation. This series covers
(i) Evolutionary game theory in infinite and finite populations (Replicator dynamics, Moran process);
(ii) Evolution of cooperation and direct reciprocity
(iii) Social norms and the evolution of indirect reciprocity
(iv) Some current research directions (e.g., direct reciprocity in complex environments).
15:45 to 16:15 |
Parongama Sen (University of Calcutta, Kolkata, India) |
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16:45 to 17:15 |
Nisheeth Srivastava (Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, India) |
Modeling network games to understand filter bubbles In this talk, I describe results from simulation experiments trying to uncover the mechanisms by which people both succeed and fail to reach consensus in networked games, for network structures produced by a variety of generative mechanisms. We find that the primary cause for failure in such games is preferential selection of information sources. Agents forced to sample information from randomly selected fixed neighborhoods eventually converge to a consensus, while agents free to form their own neighborhoods and forming them on the basis of homophily frequently end up creating balkanized cliques. Small-world structure attenuates the drive towards consensus in fixed networks, but not in self-selecting networks. Preferentially attached networks show the highest convergence to consensus, thereby showing resilience to balkanization even in self-selecting networks. We investigate the reasons for such behavior by altering graph properties of generated networks. We conclude with a brief discussion of the implications of our findings for representing behavior in socio-cultural modeling.
17:15 to 17:45 |
Ratul Lahkar (Ashoka University, Haryana, India) |
The Best Experienced Payoff Dynamic in the Ultimatum Minigame In the ultimatum minigame, proposers can offer either half the total prize or just $1$. Responders can accept or reject. At the subgame perfect equilibrium, proposers offer $1$ and responders accept. We apply the best experienced payoff (BEP) dynamic to the large population version of this game. The BEP dynamic is generated when players try their strategies a certain number of times and choose the strategy that generates the highest average payoff. We establish conditions under which the subgame perfect equilibrium is stable or unstable. If it is unstable, another stable state can arise where a significant fraction of proposers make high offers.