09:30 to 10:00 |
Subhendra Mohanty (PRL, Ahmedabad, India) |
Gravitational wave Memory Signals from Binary orbits and Soft-Graviton Theorems I will explain the calculation of memory effect from orbits of compact binaries and show the connection with calculations of amplitudes from soft graviton theorems.
10:10 to 10:50 |
Tathagata Ghosh (HRI, India) |
Di-Higgs Blind Spots in Gravitational Wave Signals Conditions for strong first-order phase transition and generation of observable gravitational wave (GW) signals are very restrictive to the profile of the Higgs potential. Working in the minimal extension of the SM with a new gauge singlet real scalar, I’ll show that the production of signals relevant for future GW experiments, such as LISA, can favor depleted resonant and non-resonant di-Higgs rates at colliders for phenomenologically relevant regimes of scalar mixing angles and masses for the heavy scalar. I’ll discuss the emergence of these di-Higgs blind spot configurations in GWs and also show that di-boson channels, ZZ and WW , can restore the phenomenological complementarities between GW and collider experiments in these parameter space regimes.
10:50 to 11:30 |
Susmita Adhikari (IISER Pune, India) |
From the Edge of a Dark Matter Halo |
12:00 to 12:15 |
Animesh Sah (TIFR, India) |
Cosmological Studies with Pantheon+ Compilation of Type 1a Supernovae Type 1a supernovae have been used as distance rulers to study the kinematics of the universe and serve as the primary evidence of dark energy and the recently growing Hubble tension. The latest type 1a compilation released is Pantheon+, but there is some debate within the literature about the many corrections employed in the dataset and its treatment of uncertainties. We examine the peculiar velocity corrections in the Pantheon+ dataset and estimate the cosmological parameters using the Maximum Likelihood technique.
12:15 to 12:30 |
Himanshu Verma (IIT Bombay, India) |
Astrometric Microlensing of Primordial Black Holes with Gaia The Gaia space telescope allows for unprecedented accuracy for astrometric measurements of stars in the Galaxy. In this work, we explore the sensitivity of Gaia to detect primordial black hole (PBH) dark matter through the distortions that PBHs would create in the apparent trajectory of background stars, an effect known as astrometric microlensing (AML). We present a novel calculation of the lensing probability, and we combine this with the existing publicly released Gaia eDR3 stellar catalog to predict the expected rate of AML events that Gaia will see. We also compute the expected distribution of a few event observables, which will be useful for reducing backgrounds. We argue that the astrophysical background rate of AML like events due to other sources is negligible (except possibly for very long duration events), and we use this to compute the potential exclusion that could be set on the parameter space of PBHs with a monochromatic mass function. We find that Gaia is sensitive to PBHs in the range of 0.4 Msun - 5\times10^7 Msun, and has peak sensitivity to PBHs of ~10 Msun for which it can rule out as little as a fraction 3\times10^{-4} of dark matter composed of PBHs. With this exquisite sensitivity, Gaia has the potential to rule out a PBH origin for the gravitational wave signals seen at LIGO. Our novel calculation of the lensing probability includes for the first time, the effect of intermediate duration lensing events, where the lensing event lasts for a few years, but for a period which is still shorter than the Gaia mission lifetime. The lower end of our predicted mass exclusion is especially sensitive to these type of lensing events. As and when time-series data for Gaia is released, our prediction of the lensing rate and event observable distributions will be useful to estimate the true exclusion/discovery of the PBH parameter space utilizing this data.
12:30 to 12:45 |
Md Riajul Haque (IIT Madras, India) |
WIMPs, FIMPs, and Inflaton phenomenology via reheating: the possibility of purely Gravitational reheating My talk will mainly focus on the reheating dynamics after inflation and its possible implication on dark matter (DM) and inflaton phenomenology. We consider reheating through various possible channels of inflaton going into massless scalars (bosonic reheating) and fermions (fermionic reheating) via non-gravitational and gravity-mediated decay processes. We further include the finite temperature effect on the decay process. Along with their precise roles in governing the dynamics, we compared the relative importance of different temperature-corrected decay channels in the gradual process of reheating depending on the reheating equation of state (EoS), which is directly related to inflaton potential. Particularly, the universal gravitational decay of inflaton is observed to play a crucial role in the reheating process for a large range of inflaton decay parameters. For our study, we consider typical α-attractor inflationary models. We further establish the intriguing connection among those different inflaton decay channels and the CMB power spectrum that can have profound implications in building up a unified model of inflation, reheating, and DM. We analyze both fermion and scalar DM with different physical processes being involved, such as gravitational scattering, thermal bath scattering, and direct inflaton decay. Gravitational decay can again be observed to play a crucial role in setting the maximum limit on DM mass, especially in the FIMP scenario. Depending on the coupling strength, we have analyzed in detail the production of both FIMP and WIMP-like DM during reheating, and their detailed phenomenological implications from the perspective of various cosmological and laboratory experiments. References: 1. Phys.Rev.D 106 (2022) 2, 023506, 2.e-Print: 2301.01641 3. e-Print: 2201.02348 (Accepted in Phys.Rev.D )
14:30 to 16:00 |
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Discussion |
16:30 to 18:00 |
David Marsh (King's College London, UK) |
Cosmology of Ultralight Dark Matter: Searches and Constraints Topics: Production of ultralight dark matter from vacuum realignment. Linear theory structure formation. Bounds from the CMB and large scale structure. Schrodinger-Poisson equation inside galaxies. Looking to the future with intensity mapping. Formation and structure of axion stars. Superradiance.