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Monday, 12 June 2023
Time Speaker Title Resources
09:30 to 10:10 Dries Sels (New York University, USA) Quantum optimal transport through periodic driving
11:30 to 12:10 Marin Bukov (Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems, Germany) Continuous Monitoring of Prethermal Discrete Time Crystalline order created using two-frequency driving

We report the observation of long-lived Floquet prethermal discrete time crystalline (PDTC) order in a three-dimensional position-disordered lattice of interacting dipolar-coupled 13C nuclei in diamond at room temperature. We demonstrate a novel strategy of "two-frequency" driving, involving an interleaved application of slow and fast drives that simultaneously prethermalize the spins with an emergent quasi-conserved magnetization along the x-axis, while enabling continuous and highly resolved observation of their dynamic evolution when periodically kicked away from x. The PDTC order manifests itself in a robust period doubling response of this drive-induced quasi-conserved spin magnetization interchanging between x and -x; our experiments allow a unique means to study the formation and melting of PDTC order. We obtain movies of the time-crystalline response with a clarity and throughput orders of magnitude greater than previous experiments. Parametric control over the drive frequencies allows us to reach PDTC lifetimes up to 396 Floquet cycles which we measure in a single-shot experiment. Such rapid measurement enables detailed characterization of the entire PDTC phase diagram, rigidity and lifetime, informing on the role of prethermalization towards stabilizing the DTC response. The two-frequency drive approach represents the simplest generalization of DTCs to multi-frequency drives; it expands the toolkit for realizing and investigating long-lived non-equilibrium phases of matter stabilized by emergent quasi-conservation laws.

12:10 to 12:50 Rosario Fazio (ICTP, Italy) Measurement induced transitions in long-range spin systems

Quantum systems evolving unitarily and subject to quantum measurements exhibit various types of non-equilibrium phase transitions, arising from the competition between unitary evolution and measurements. Dissipative phase transitions in steady states of time-independent Liouvillians and entanglement transitions at the level of quantum trajectories are two primary examples of such transitions. I will discuss both time-periodic and time-independent Lindbladians for long-log-range interacting spin systems. I will also consider the case of collective damping and discuss connection to experimental setting.  

14:30 to 15:10 Matthew S. Foster (Rice University, USA) Shock and bounce edge-state dynamics, and fractal-mediated superconductivity

I'll talk about some recent work in line with the theme of this workshop. First, I’ll discuss the formation of shock fronts and current bounces predicted in a light-pulse-quench for helical edge states of a 2D topological insulator. Results obtain from chiral hydrodynamics with strong dissipation, mediated by the unusual one-particle Umklapp interaction that arises via Rashba spin-orbit coupling. Current switching could be observed in a patterned “THz antenna” device. Second, I’ll present results showing a strong enhancement of Cooper pairing in special 1D models with a wide spectrum of fractal wave functions (“spectrum-wide quantum criticality,” SWQC). Self-consistent BCS numerics in the quasiperiodic Aubry-Andre and power-law random-banded matrix models both exhibit a concomitant enhancement of superconductivity with a spectrum-wide Anderson metal-insulator transition. The pairing enhancement is attributed to the strong overlaps exhibited by fractal wave functions at the transition (Chalker scaling). In the past few years, we discovered robust SWQC in 2D continuum models of nodal quasiparticles that arise as surface states of bulk topological superconductors, as well as 2D d-wave superconductivity with quenched nematic randomness. Our 1D results suggest that the interplay of SWQC and strong interactions could play a role in high-Tc d-wave superconductivity. 

15:10 to 15:50 Takashi Oka (University of Tokyo, Japan) Floquet engineering and topological nonlinear optics

Geometric effects in non-equilibrium systems driven by external fields are currently being studied very actively. Dirac electrons driven by a laser electric field can be studied experimentally and theoretically, making it an ideal system for investigating unknown non-equilibrium phenomena. In this talk, I will explain phenomena such as Floquet-Weyl semimetals, geometric effects in quantum tunneling (twisted Landau-Zener tunneling) and their outcomes.

16:50 to 17:30 Wen Wei Ho (NUS, Singapore) Complete Hilbert Space Ergodicity in Quantum Dynamics of Generalized Fibonacci Drives

Ergodicity in quantum systems is often defined through statistical properties of stationary states belonging to the Hamiltonian underlying time evolution, such as Berry's conjecture for single particle chaotic systems, and the eigenstate thermalization hypothesis (ETH) for many-body systems. In this talk, I would like to pose the question whether there are quantum systems which can exhibit a stronger form of ergodicity, namely whether their dynamics is such that any time-evolved state visits every point in Hilbert space uniformly over time. We call such a phenomenon Complete Hilbert Space Ergodicity (CSHE), and it represents a notion of ergodicity more akin to the intuitive notion of ergodicity as an inherently dynamical concept, i.e., that a system eventually explores all of its allowed 'phase space'. Naturally, CSHE cannot hold for systems which are time-independent or even time-periodic (owing to the existence of energy eigenstates which precludes exploration of the full Hilbert space), but I will show that there exists a family of simple, aperiodic, yet deterministic driving protocols --- drives generated by the Fibonacci word and its generalizations --- for which CQE can be proven to occur. Our results provide a basis toward understanding how thermalization arises in general time-dependent quantum many-body systems, and in fact implies a more stringent form of local equilibration called deep thermalization.

Tuesday, 13 June 2023
Time Speaker Title Resources
09:30 to 10:30 Austen Lamacraft (Cambridge University, USA) Many body dynamics of quantum circuits I

These lectures are an introduction to the many body dynamics of quantum circuits, with an emphasis on the dynamics of quantum information, correlation functions, and quantum chaos. After introducing the models and the technical tools used to analyse them, we'll discuss a few a special kinds of circuits where analytic results can be obtained.

11:30 to 12:10 Sriram Ganeshan (CCNY, USA) Dynamics of Fractional Quantum Hall Effect: A fluid dynamics approach

In this talk, I will explore the similarities and differences between the fluid dynamical equations that govern ocean waves and the "hydrodynamics" of Fractional Quantum Hall (FQH) fluids. The linearized edge dynamics of the FQH hydro reveals two chiral edge modes propagating in the same direction: a non-dispersing Kelvin mode (observed on coasts) and a dispersing chiral boson mode. The presence of two modes at the edge of a Laughlin state is somewhat perplexing because only one chiral mode is expected for these states.Contrary to what is discussed in literature, I will explain that the Kelvin mode is incompatible with the gauge anomaly and, thus, cannot be associated with the charge transport at the edge. However, the chiral boson mode is consistent with the anomaly-induced chiral edge dynamics. By invoking a fluid dynamical perspective, we can gain further insights into the non-linear dynamics of FQH edge.

12:10 to 12:50 Hosho Katsura (University of Tokyo, Japan) Algebraic construction of quantum many-body scars

The algebraic construction of the eigenstates of a Hamiltonian (or other conserved charges) is at the heart of quantum integrable models. Usually, this fails miserably in non-integrable models. However, recent studies on quantum many-body scar (QMBS) states have revealed a class of non-integrable models in which towers of exact eigenstates are built up by repeatedly acting with a certain ""creation operator"" on a simple (low-entanglement) state. Examples of such models include the Affleck-Kennedy-Lieb-Tasaki and the spin-1 XY models [1,2]. The eigenstates constructed this way have low entanglement even though their energies are in the middle of the spectrum, and thus violate the strong Eigenstate Thermalization Hypothesis. In this talk, I will show that an infinite sequence of non-integrable models with QMBS can be constructed using the so-called Onsager algebra [3]. Interestingly, this construction allows for the Hamiltonian to be spatially inhomogeneous. I will also talk about other algebraic approaches to constructing models with exact QMBS states [4]. 

[1] S. Moudgalya, N. Regnault, and B. A. Bernevig, PRB 98, 235156 (2018).
[2] M. Schecter and T. Iadecola, Phys. Rev. Lett. 123, 147201 (2019).
[3] N. Shibata, N. Yoshioka, and H. Katsura, Phys. Rev. Lett. 124, 180604 (2020). 
[4] K. Sanada, Y. Miao, and H. Katsura, arXiv:2304.13624 (2023).

14:30 to 15:10 Sarang Gopalakrishnan (Princeton University, USA) Quantum State-Generating Machines
15:10 to 15:50 Arijeet Pal (UCL, UK) Quantum simulation using noisy Clifford circuits
16:50 to 17:30 Archak Purkayastha (IIT Hyderabad, India) Periodically Refreshed Baths: A Numerical Technique and a Thermodynamic Cycle

In this talk, I will introduce the Periodically Refreshed Baths (PReB) scheme. Simulating non-Markovian dynamics of interacting quantum many-body systems strongly coupled to multiple baths at different temperatures and chemical potentials is a challenging and experimentally relevant problem. The PReB scheme allows for efficient tensor network based numerical simulation of such situations much beyond what is possible in most other techniques. Going further, one can extend the PReB scheme beyond just a numerical technique, to a dynamical process that can be potentially realized in experiments. We then explore the thermodynamics of the steady state of the PReB process. This leads to novel Periodically Refreshed Quantum Thermal Machines, which can interpolate between autonomous quantum thermal machines and those based on collisional or repeated interactions with single-site environments. These quantum thermal machines work on a single-stroke thermodynamic cycle where the working material is always out-of-equilibrium. They can have many counter-intuitive properties, which I will demonstrate via a simple example.

Refs: Phys. Rev. B 104, 045417 (2021),  Quantum 6, 801 (2022).

Wednesday, 14 June 2023
Time Speaker Title Resources
09:30 to 10:30 Austen Lamacraft (Cambridge University, USA) Many body dynamics of quantum circuits II

These lectures are an introduction to the many body dynamics of quantum circuits, with an emphasis on the dynamics of quantum information, correlation functions, and quantum chaos. After introducing the models and the technical tools used to analyse them, we'll discuss a few a special kinds of circuits where analytic results can be obtained.

11:30 to 12:10 James McIver (University of Hamburg and Max Planck Institute for the Structure and Dynamics of Matter, Germany) Floquet-engineered topological transport in quantum materials

Quantum materials exhibit remarkable phenomena when driven by the strong fields in femtosecond pulses of light. Recent years have seen a surge of interest in using long-wavelength laser pulses to create photon-dressed Floquet-Bloch states. Much of this excitement is driven by the predictive power of Floquet theory, which has been used, for example, to correctly predict the formation of topological edge states in periodically-driven systems that exhibit no topological properties in equilibrium. Many of these proposals have been verified in quantum simulation settings, but are only just beginning to be explored in quantum materials.

In this talk, I will present results on the electrical transport properties of quantum materials driven by ultrafast pulses of mid-infrared light. In monolayer graphene, we observe an anomalous Hall effect induced by circularly polarized light in the absence of an applied magnetic field. The dependence of the effect on a gate potential used to tune the Fermi level reveals multiple features that reflect a Floquet-engineered topological band structure. The results are a critical first step towards realizing and controlling light-induced topological edge states in quantum materials. I will also discuss our recent results on the Weyl semimetal MoTe2. We observe a rectified, circular dichroic photocurrent response that scales linearly (as opposed to quadratically) with the applied laser field, which is a predicted signature of a photocurrent response originating from the formation of Floquet-Bloch states.

12:10 to 12:50 Bijay Kumar Agarwalla (IISER Pune, India) Quantum Regression theorem in open quantum systems and consistency with Kubo-Martin-Schwinger condition

We show that the long-time limit of the two-point correlation function obtained via the standard quantum regression theorem, a standard tool to compute correlation functions in open quantum systems, does not respect the Kubo-Martin-Schwinger equilibrium condition to the non-zero order of the system-bath coupling. We then follow the recently developed Heisenberg operator method for open quantum systems and by applying a “weak” Markov approximation, derive a new modified version of the quantum regression theorem that not only respects the KMS condition but further predicts exact answers for certain paradigmatic models in specific limits. We also show that in cases where the modified quantum regression theorem does not match with exact answers, it always performs better than the standard quantum regression theorem.

14:30 to 15:10 Yuto Ashida (University of Tokyo, Japan) Cavity QED control of quantum materials

Strong coupling between matter and quantized electromagnetic modes may offer yet another approach of controlling equilibrium phases or dynamics of quantum many-body systems. Recent developments have utilized cavity confinement to realize ultrastrong light-matter interaction in the absence of external driving, where conventional theoretical methods often fail. I will talk about how one can analyze strongly coupled quantum light-matter systems at arbitrary interaction strengths by using a simple unitary transformation. I discuss its application to construction of tight-binding Hamiltonians, cavity control of quantum phases, and dissipative quantum phase transition in resistively shunted Josephson junctions.

15:10 to 15:50 Sthitadhi Roy (ICTS, India) From Fock-space return probability to real-space spin autocorrelations
16:50 to 17:30 -- Discussions
Thursday, 15 June 2023
Time Speaker Title Resources
09:30 to 10:30 David Weld (KITP-UCSB, USA) Cold atoms, quantum simulation, and driven quasicrystals (Online talk)

Ultracold neutral atoms in modulated optical lattices are a flexible testbed for the experimental study of quantum matter driven far from equilibrium. I will first present a pedagogical introduction to this field of research from an unusual point of view, then describe results from a sequence of recent experiments in this area, on the physics of localization in driven quasicrystals. 

11:30 to 12:10 Krishnendu Sengupta (IACS, India) Routes to violation of ETH in periodically driven quantum systems
12:10 to 12:50 Sai Vinjanampathy (IIT Bombay, India) Measurement-Induced continuous time crystals

Strong measurements usually restrict the dynamics of measured finite dimensional systems to the Zeno subspace, where subsequent evolution is unitary due to the suppression of dissipative terms. Here, I will discuss qualitatively different behavior induced by the competition between strong measurements and the thermodynamic limit, inducing a time-translation symmetry breaking phase transition resulting in a continuous time crystal. 

[based on joint work with Midhun Krishna, Parvinder Solanki and Michal Hajdusek, published in Physical Review Letters 130 (15), 150401].

14:30 to 15:10 -- Discussions
15:10 to 15:50 Philip Crowley (MIT, USA) New topological phases with quasi-periodic driving

I will show constructively how quasiperiodically driven quantum systems can support new topological phases which are not found in the usual classification of equilibrium systems. 

These phases have boundary modes which carry a quantized particle or energy current, and a localized bulk with a corresponding integer valued topological invariant.

For a d-dimensional system, with n-incommensurate drives, the phenomenology of the boundary modes corresponds to the bulk response of equilibrium topological systems in (n+d-1) dimensions. I give explicit examples corresponding to the equilibrium quantum Hall effects in two and four dimensions.

Numerical investigations of these models show (i) robust topological and trivial phases separated by a sharp phase transition; (ii) charge diffusion and a half-integer energy current between the drives at the transition; and (iii) a long-lived topological energy current which remains present when weak interactions are introduced.

16:50 to 17:30 Amos Chan (Lancaster University, UK) Many-Body Quantum Chaos, Spectral Form Factor, and Ginibre Ensemble

Firstly, I will present a generic and exact scaling form of the spectral form factor (SFF) in a many-body quantum chaotic system, deriving the so-called “bump-ramp-plateau” behaviour. Secondly, I will introduce and provide an analytical solution of a generalization of SFF for non-Hermitian matrices, called Dissipative SFF, which displays a "ramp-plateau" behaviour with quadratic ramp. Thirdly, I will provide evidences that non-Hermitian Ginibre ensemble behaviour generically emerge in many-body quantum chaotic systems, due to the presence of many-body interaction.

Friday, 16 June 2023
Time Speaker Title Resources
09:30 to 10:30 David Weld (KITP-UCSB, USA) Cold atoms, quantum simulation, and driven quasicrystals (Part II) (Online talk)

Ultracold neutral atoms in modulated optical lattices are a flexible testbed for the experimental study of quantum matter driven far from equilibrium. I will first present a pedagogical introduction to this field of research from an unusual point of view, then describe results from a sequence of recent experiments in this area, on the physics of localization in driven quasicrystals. Time permitting, in this second part of the two-part talk I will also discuss a new tweezer-based degenerate gas platform under construction at UC Santa Barbara which aims at the study of quantum interactive dynamics.

11:30 to 12:10 Jedediah Pixley (Rutgers University, USA) Infinite randomness and quasiperiodic fixed points at measurement induced phase transitions

We will discuss the universal nature of measurement induced phase transitions (MIPTs) in random quantum circuits when the measurement profile follows a static profile. First, the measurement induced transition is shown to be unstable to static but spatially random perturbations and the transition flows off to an infinite randomness fixed point. Second, the nature of several distinct quasiperiodic profiles will be studied and non-Pisot structures will be used to tune between irrelevant and relevant perturbations at the MIPT. In the latter case, the transition flows to an infinite quasiperiodic fixed point where the entanglement scaling is dictated by the wandering exponent of the quasiperiodic profile. The nature of these transitions are computed using large scale Clifford simulations and will be shown to be well described by real space renormalization group calculations. 

12:10 to 12:50 Sumilan Banerjee (IISc, India) Classical limit of a measurement-induced transition

Chaotic-to-non-chaotic transitions play a prominent role in our understanding of the dynamical phase diagram of both quantum and classical systems. In quantum many-body systems, a certain kind of chaotic-non-chaotic transitions, dubbed ‘measurement-induced phase transitions’ (MIPT), have led to a new paradigm for dynamical phase transitions in recent years. On the other hand, prominent examples of transition in chaos in classical dynamical systems are the stochastic synchronization transitions (ST). In this case, classical trajectories starting from different initial conditions synchronize when subjected to sufficiently strong common random stochastic noise. In this talk, I will establish a direct link between MIPT and ST by considering models of interacting quantum particles, whose positions are measured continuously, albeit weakly. In the semiclassical limit, the dynamics of the system is described by a stochastic Langevin equation where the noise and the dissipation terms are both controlled by the small quantum parameter and measurement strength. I will show the existence of a chaotic-to-non-chaotic transition in the Langevin evolution as a function of either interaction or noise/dissipation strength.

14:30 to 15:10 Justin H. Wilson (Louisiana State University, USA) Measurement and feedback-driven entanglement transition in the probabilistic control of chaos

In this talk, I show how a dynamical entanglement transition in a monitored quantum system is revealed by a local order parameter with the addition of feedback. Classically, chaotic systems can be stochastically controlled onto unstable periodic orbits and exhibit controlled and uncontrolled phases as a function of the rate at which the control is applied. We show that such control transitions persist in open quantum systems where control is implemented with local measurements and unitary feedback. Starting from a simple classical model with a known control transition, we define a quantum model that exhibits a diffusive transition between a chaotic volume-law entangled phase and a disentangled controlled phase. Unlike other entanglement transitions in monitored quantum circuits, this transition can also be probed by correlation functions without resolving individual quantum trajectories. Building on this, we define a version of this model with classically simulable stabilizer circuits and show that not only does the entanglement transition separate from the control transition, but it returns to the universality class found for the 1+1D entanglement transition in hybrid stabilizer circuits.

15:10 to 15:50 Arnab Sen (IACS, India) Quantum scars in pure lattice gauge theories

The Eigenstate Thermalization Hypothesis (ETH) shapes our understanding of thermalization in closed quantum many-body systems. In this talk, we outline the occurrence of quantum many-body scars (high-energy eigenstates that violate the ETH) in lattice gauge theories without dynamical matter due to the phenomenon of order-by-disorder in the Hilbert space. For some physically relevant models like the quantum link and the quantum dimer models, the existence of such anomalous states can be shown analytically for certain lattice geometries.

16:50 to 17:30 Diptiman Sen (IISc, India) Effects of open ends on OTOCs and emergence of local conservation laws in periodically driven systems in one dimension

In this talk we will consider two classes of periodically driven systems in one dimension. In the first case, we consider a spin-1/2 $XY$ model in a transverse field, where the field is driven periodically in time. The periodic driving can generate two kinds of modes, topological modes (for which the phases of the Floquet eigenvalues are 0 or $\pi$) and non-topological modes (for which the phases can be arbitrary), which are localized at the ends of a finite-sized system. We study the out-of-time-ordered correlators (OTOCs) of spin operators which are local ($\sigma^z$) or non-local ($\sigma^x$) in terms of Jordan-Wigner fermions. The OTOCs of non-local operators show pronounced scrambling and unscrambling of quantum information after reflections from the ends of the systems. Further, the OTOCs of both local and non-local operators can detect the presence of end modes which give rise to oscillations as a function of the stroboscopic time. Both kinds of OTOCs show that information propagates with a maximum velocity known as the Lieb-Robinson bound.

In the second case, we study a system of fermions where there is an on-site potential which varies periodically in space, and the strength of the potential is varied periodically in time. We find that system becomes dynamically localized for special values of the driving strength and frequency. The dynamical localization gives rise to an extreme limit of the Su-Schrieffer-Heeger model in which the nearest-neighbor hoppings are zero and non-zero alternately; as a result, there are an extensive number of conserved quantities. Further, if there are density-density interactions between particles on nearest-neighbor sites, the system effectively turns into the transverse field Ising model. We study the half-chain entanglement entropy versus the Floquet quasienergy and find that the large number of conserved quantities can give rise to a highly fragmented structure of the entanglement versus quasienergy plot. A study of the time evolution of the Loschmidt echo and some two-point correlation functions show long-time oscillations indicating that the system has anomalous thermalization behavior.

References: S. Sur and DS, arXiv:2210.15302,  S. Aditya and DS, arXiv:2305.06056.

Monday, 19 June 2023
Time Speaker Title Resources
09:30 to 10:30 F Nur Ünal (Cambridge University, USA) New Frontiers in Topology: Multilevel Systems and Out-of-Equilibrium Settings I
11:30 to 12:10 Joe Bhaseen (King's College London, UK) Stochastic Approach to Quantum Spin Dynamics

We discuss recent developments in the stochastic approach to non-equilibrium quantum spin systems based on links between quantum and classical dynamics. Exploiting a sequence of exact transformations, quantum expectation values can be recast as averages over classical stochastic processes. We illustrate this approach for the quantum Ising model by extracting the Loschmidt amplitude and the magnetization dynamics from the numerical solution of stochastic differential equations. We demonstrate that the method is capable of handling integrable and non-integrable problems in a unified framework, including those in higher dimensions. We highlight the utility of trajectory-resolved Weiss fields for extending this approach, both in space and in time. 

12:10 to 12:50 Rajdeep Sensarama (TIFR Mumbai, India) A (Pre)thermal States in Non-Equilibrium Dynamics of Scalar Fields
14:30 to 15:10 Martin Claassen (Univ. Penn, USA) Quantum Geometry in Non-equilibrium Moire Materials
15:10 to 15:50 Subhajit Sarkar (Ben Gurion University, Israel) Quantum transport and discrete time crystals
16:50 to 17:30 Dimitris G. Angelakis (CQT, Singapore) Quantum supremacy with many-body systems: Merging thermalization with complexity theory (Online talk)

Quantum supremacy is the ability for quantum computers/devices to efficiently solve a well-defined computational task that is guaranteed to be inefficient for classical computers. The most common task to realise quantum supremacy in near-term quantum devices is sampling from the output probability distribution, demonstrated with 53 superconducting qubits by Google[1]. Despite being able to outperform classical computers, sampling from a complex quantum system has very few direct useful applications. Early proposals for realizing quantum supremacy include boson sampling, random quantum circuits and 2D Ising models. We have managed to extend this family to include to driven many-body systems in analog quantum simulators settings.  The work is based on complexity theory arguments and supports earlier intuitions and heuristic claims, that is indeed computational hard to simulate complex quantum dynamics. Our result opens the path for a multitude of analog platforms to showcase and benchmark quantum supremacy, including cold atoms, ions and superconducting qubits. The connection was made via showing that sampling from the output distribution of thermalizing driven many-body systems is #P hard and the hardness is connected with the quantum phase matter is in. Recently, in collaboration with USTC China, an experiment has been performed where some of our predictions were checked in cold atom setup [3].


[1]    Frank  Arute, Kunal  Arya, […],  John  M.  Martinis,  Quantum  supremacy  using  a  programmable superconducting processor Nature, 574, 505-510 (2019)
[2]    J. Tangpanitanon, S. Thanasilp, M. A. Lemonde, N. Dangiam, D. G. Angelakis Quantum supremacy in driven quantum many-body systems, (to appear in Quantum Science and Technology)
[3]    Yong-Guang Zheng et al, Efficiently Extracting Multi-Point Correlations of a Floquet Thermalized System, arXiv: arXiv:2210.08556

Tuesday, 20 June 2023
Time Speaker Title Resources
09:30 to 10:30 F Nur Ünal (Cambridge University, USA) New Frontiers in Topology: Multilevel Systems and Out-of-Equilibrium Settings II
11:30 to 12:10 Aashish Clerk (University of Chicago, USA) Dissipative many-body quantum systems & “hidden” time-reversal

Interacting many-body systems subject to driving and dissipation can exhibit a wealth of complex phenomenon, even in the limit where the dynamics can be described by a Markovian, Lindblad master equation.  I will discuss how a subtle version of time-reversal symmetry relevant to open quantum systems (a kind of quantum detailed balance) can in some cases be exploited to allow exact analytic descriptions of such systems.  I will discuss applications to both a kind of driven-dissipative Bose Hubbard model, and a driven-dissipative transverse-field Ising model.

12:10 to 12:50 Thomas Bilitewski (Iowa State University, USA) Title: Pair creation, correlations and entanglement dynamics in dipolar multi-layers

Single-particle control over long-range interacting quantum spin systems in controllable geometries is opening new opportunities for quantum simulation and metrology.

I will discuss recent work on the temporal growth and spatial propagation of quantum correlations and entanglement in two-dimensional bi- and multi-layers realising spin 1/2 quantum XXZ models with couplings mediated by long range interactions.

In the collective regime which is realised at the Heisenberg point this allows us to engineer the paradigmatic two-mode squeezing Hamiltonian, resulting in exponential generation of metrologically useful entanglement from the initially prepared unentangled product state. Generically, the dynamic instability generates correlated pairs with specific momenta, controllable via the dipole orientation or applied field gradients, which manifests as characteristic patterns in the spin-structure factor.  More broadly, this allows the generation of thermo-field double states and can be understood as quantum simulation of Unruh radiation.

Importantly, the mechanism is robust to low filling fractions making it accessible to state-of-the-art Rydberg atom, magnetic atom and polar molecule arrays. These systems not only allow the observation of the generated entanglement via single-site resolution, but also single-particle control over the spatially separated entangled particles. 

Refs:  arXiv:2302.09059,  arXiv:2211.12521

14:30 to 15:10 Prineha Narang (University of Southern California, USA) Probing Carrier Interactions In Quantum Matter Using Electron Hydrodynamics
15:10 to 15:50 Stuart Masson (Columbia University, USA) Superradiance in ordered atomic arrays

Collective phenomena are found in every branch of science; the behavior of the whole differs strongly from the behavior of the individual elements. In quantum optics, a hallmark example is Dicke superradiance. Here, a fully inverted ensemble of atoms emits a short and bright light pulse, known as the superradiant burst, that initially grows in intensity. This is in stark contrast to independent atoms which decay exponentially, emitting a pulse that monotonically decreases in time. Experiments in dense disordered systems have observed the superradiant burst, but there, inhomogeneous broadening plays a large role, making the systems hard to model or control. In contrast, ordered arrays have much lower inhomogeneity - atoms in the bulk all see the same set of neighbors - making them an ideal platform to study dissipative many-body physics. Here, we show the conditions under which such systems produce a superradiant burst. We go beyond two-level approximations, and demonstrate that long-wavelength transitions from ytterbium and strontium atoms can be used to observe such physics. Our work represents an important step in harnessing such systems to build quantum optical sources and as dissipative generators of entanglement.

16:50 to 17:30 Sergej Flach (IBS, South Korea) Thermalization dynamics of macroscopic weakly nonintegrable maps

We propose a novel framework to characterize the thermalization of many-body dynamical systems close to integrable limits using the scaling properties of the full Lyapunov spectrum. We use a classical unitary map model to investigate macroscopic weakly nonintegrable dynamics beyond the limits set by the KAM regime. We perform our analysis in two fundamentally distinct long-range and short-range integrable limits which stem from the type of nonintegrable perturbations. Long-range limits result in a single parameter scaling of the Lyapunov spectrum, with the inverse largest Lyapunov exponent being the only diverging control parameter and the rescaled spectrum approaching an analytical function. Short-range limits result in a dramatic slowing down of thermalization which manifests through the rescaled Lyapunov spectrum approaching a non-analytic function. An additional diverging length scale controls the exponential suppression of all Lyapunov exponents relative to the largest one.

Wednesday, 21 June 2023
Time Speaker Title Resources
09:30 to 10:30 Berislav Buca (Niels Bohr Institute, Denmark) Non-stationary quantum many-body dynamics

Non-stationary dynamics means persistent time-dependence. Non-stationary is ubiquitous in day-to-day life – e.g. average temperature oscillations from summer to winter and in all types of biophysical processes. Understanding the emergence of non-stationary quantum many-body dynamics from the exact microscopic laws is of both fundamental importance to theoretical physics and of potential technological significance. Much work in recent years has been devoted to understanding the emergence of stationarity in quantum many-body physics from first principles. 

In these two lectures I will review the state of the art on this topic. I will focus on many-body systems that do not readily admit semi-classical/mean-field treatments either due strong interactions or finite-dimensional local Hilbert spaces (e.g. spin-1/2 models, fermionic lattice models). For such systems, two classes of models cover numerous topical phenomena. The two classes studied will be: 1) finite large systems undergoing dissipative Markovian (Lindblad) quantum dynamics, 2) thermodynamically large lattice systems with finite (short-range) interactions that are either driven or undriven and either dissipative or isolated from an external environment. Relation to the eigenstate thermalization hypothesis will be discussed for the latter class. For both classes I will present the complete theories and I will discuss various relevant non-stationary applications including quantum passive error correction, autonomous quantum synchronization, (Floquet) time crystals and quantum many-body scars. 

Bhaseen, Mayoh, Simons, Keeling. PRA 85, 013817 (2012).
B Buca, Tindall, Jaksch. NatComms 10 (1), 1730 (2019).
Buca, Booker, Jaksch. SciPostPhys. 12, 097 (2022).
Chandran, Iadecola, Khemani, and Moessner. arXiv:2206.11528 (2022)
Hannaford, Sacha. arXiv:2204.06381 (2022)
Buca. arXiv:2301.07091 (2023).

11:30 to 12:10 Marcello Dalmonte (SISSA, Italy) Data mining the many-body problem - from equilibrium to driven systems
12:10 to 12:50 Alexei Andreanov (IBS, South Korea) Ergodicity breaking in flatbands

Flatbands are dispersionless single particle bands. The quenched kinetic energy (due to the absence of dispersion), makes them promising hosts for unconventional and exotic phases of matter in presence of perturbations, like disorder or interactions. I am going to discuss how the presence of interactions in flat band models can implement several scenarios of ergodicity breaking: many-body localisation and many-body flatband localisation (with connections to percolation transitions), as well as weak ergodicity breaking.

14:30 to 15:10 Joel Moore (UC Berkeley, USA) Linear and nonlinear optical properties of crystals from wavefunction geometry

Optical properties of crystals involve the geometry and topology of Bloch wavefunctions in ways similar to the appearance of Berry curvature in the quantum Hall effect.   As a result, nonlinear optical properties can be intrinsic and even quantized in certain limits.  For periodic driving, Floquet theory offers a compact way to derive several important quantities.  We start by reviewing the basics of optical properties and show how linear optics in Weyl semimetals can be related to that in other metals, while in nonlinear optics there can be a unique quantization effect that may have already been observed experimentally in certain Weyl semimetals.  An active experimental direction in recent years is the use of pump pulses, or alternately current drives, that are chosen to modify the symmetry of a material.  For example, circularly polarized light provides a means to induce broken time-reversal symmetry in a non-magnetic material, while current drive breaks both time-reversal and inversion symmetries.  Examples discussed include current-induced linear optical effects in semimetals and superconductors, where they provide important probes of topological band structure and order parameter symmetry respectively.  We discuss the effects of interactions and how solids behave beyond perturbation theory in closing.

15:10 to 15:50 Emanuele Dalla Torre (Bar-Ilan University, Israel) Parametric resonances: from Ising machines to prethermalization

In my talk I will present some recent works of ours related to parametric resonances in many-body classical systems. In the first series of works, we critically studied the use of parametric oscillators as heuristic solvers of Ising models. The second line deals with the  Floquet prethermalization of periodically driven coupled kicked rotors and its relation to many-body resonances. If time remains, I will mention some other related works, such as the use of squeezing for enhanced sensing and our attempt to create a software company for quantum computers.

16:50 to 17:30 -- Discussions
Thursday, 22 June 2023
Time Speaker Title Resources
09:30 to 10:30 Berislav Buca (Niels Bohr Institute, Denmark) Non-stationary quantum many-body dynamics II

Non-stationary dynamics means persistent time-dependence. Non-stationary is ubiquitous in day-to-day life – e.g. average temperature oscillations from summer to winter and in all types of biophysical processes. Understanding the emergence of non-stationary quantum many-body dynamics from the exact microscopic laws is of both fundamental importance to theoretical physics and of potential technological significance. Much work in recent years has been devoted to understanding the emergence of stationarity in quantum many-body physics from first principles. 
In these two lectures I will review the state of the art on this topic. I will focus on many-body systems that do not readily admit semi-classical/mean-field treatments either due strong interactions or finite-dimensional local Hilbert spaces (e.g. spin-1/2 models, fermionic lattice models). For such systems, two classes of models cover numerous topical phenomena. The two classes studied will be: 1) finite large systems undergoing dissipative Markovian (Lindblad) quantum dynamics, 2) thermodynamically large lattice systems with finite (short-range) interactions that are either driven or undriven and either dissipative or isolated from an external environment. Relation to the eigenstate thermalization hypothesis will be discussed for the latter class. For both classes I will present the complete theories and I will discuss various relevant non-stationary applications including quantum passive error correction, autonomous quantum synchronization, (Floquet) time crystals and quantum many-body scars. 

Bhaseen, Mayoh, Simons, Keeling. PRA 85, 013817 (2012).
B Buca, Tindall, Jaksch. NatComms 10 (1), 1730 (2019).
Buca, Booker, Jaksch. SciPostPhys. 12, 097 (2022).
Chandran, Iadecola, Khemani, and Moessner. arXiv:2206.11528 (2022)
Hannaford, Sacha. arXiv:2204.06381 (2022)
Buca. arXiv:2301.07091 (2023).

11:30 to 12:10 Tapan Mishra (NISER Bhubaneswar, India) Re-entrant localization in quasi-periodic chains
12:10 to 12:50 Thomas Iadecola (Iowa State University, USA) Floquet insulators and lattice fermions

Floquet insulators are periodically driven quantum systems that can host novel topological phases as a function of the drive parameters. These new phases exhibit features reminiscent of fermion doubling in discrete-time lattice fermion theories. We make this suggestion concrete by mapping the spectrum of a noninteracting (1+1)D Floquet insulator for certain drive parameters onto that of a discrete-time lattice fermion theory with a time-independent Hamiltonian. The resulting Hamiltonian can take the form of a discrete-time Su-Schrieffer-Heeger model with half the number of spatial sites of the original model, or of a (1+1)D Wilson-Dirac theory with one quarter of the spatial sites.

14:30 to 15:10 Prasanna Venkatesh (IIT Gandhinagar, India) Collective Dissipative Dynamics of Oscillators

In this talk we will present preliminary results from a study considering the collective dissipative dynamics of two or more Harmonic oscillators interacting with a 1-D electromagnetic bath by exactly solving the dynamics numerically in various regimes of coupling strengths. While the weak coupling regime leads to expected results in agreement with the Markovian Lindblad master equations, we uncover interesting collective dynamics in the strong coupling regime.

15:10 to 15:50 Arul Lakshminarayan (IIT Madras, India) Classical and quantum aspects of dual unitary circuits
16:50 to 17:30 Cristiane Morais Smith (Utrecht University, Netherlands) Quasi-crystals, Fractals, and other Beauties (Online talk)
Friday, 23 June 2023
Time Speaker Title Resources
09:30 to 10:10 Abhishek Dhar (ICTS, India) Multiple attractors in a periodically boundary driven classical anharmonic chain

An anharmonic chain, driven periodically at one end and with dissipation at the other end, was shown recently (arXiv2209.03977) to have a transition from a chaotic-periodic-chaotic   steady state  with increasing force strength. Here we show that, beyond a critical driving strength, the dynamics has two attractors, one periodic and the other chaotic. We also consider the effect of  changes applied to the boundary conditions, including that of thermal noise. 

10:10 to 10:50 Anupam Kundu (ICTS, India) Integrability, unusual chaos and thermalization in a collection of hard rods

Recently a hydrodynamic theory of integrable systems has been developed which makes it possible to understand non-equilibrium processes in such systems. I will discuss this theory in the context of a collection of Hard rods in one dimension which is one of the simple interacting integrable systems. In the second part of the talk, I will talk about what happens when the microscopic integrability is broken by trapping them inside a confining potential. Understanding non-equilibrium dynamics of trapped integrable systems has recently drawn a lot of interest. I will discuss chaos, ergodicity and thermalisation properties of trapped hard rods.

11:30 to 12:10 Lea Santos (University of Connecticut, USA) Spectral kissing and its dynamical consequences in the squeeze-driven Kerr oscillator

Transmon qubits are the predominant element in circuit-based quantum information processing due to their controllability and ease of engineering implementation. But more than qubits, transmons are multilevel nonlinear oscillators that can be employed in the discovery of new fundamental physics. Applying a strong microwave drive transforms the SNAIL-transmon Hamiltonian to a squeeze-driven Kerr oscillator. Our work [arXiv: 2210.07255] shows that this system can be used as a simulator of excited state quantum phase transitions (ESQPTs), which are generalizations of quantum phase transitions to excited states. The coalescence of pairs of adjacent energy levels (spectral kissing) experimentally observed with a squeeze-driven Kerr oscillator is an ESQPT precursor. The classical limit of this system explains the origin of the quantum critical point and its consequences for the quantum dynamics, which includes both the fast scrambling of quantum information, characterized by the exponential growth of out-of- time-ordered correlators, and the slow evolution of the survival probability at initial times, caused by the localization of the energy eigenstates at the vicinity of the ESQPT. These signatures of ESQPT in the spectrum and in the quantum dynamics are simultaneously within reach for current superconducting circuits experiments.

12:10 to 12:50 Duncan O’Dell (McMaster University, Canada) Caustics and branched flows in periodically driven systems

Caustics are the brightest regions of wave patterns and occur generically in nature as a result of natural focusing. Examples include rainbows, gravitational lensing, ships’ wakes, and tidal bores. Branched flow is a related effect where caustics evolve into well-defined branches or tubes of intensity that persist over many correlation lengths of a weakly random potential and are believed to explain phenomena ranging from electron propagation in semiconductors to tsunami focusing. In this talk I will present examples of this behaviour in a simple periodically and quasiperiodically driven system.