Research Group
Title Speaker Venue Date and time
Inertial particles in unsteady hydrodynamic environments: theory and numerics Divya Jaganathan (ICTS-TIFR, Bengaluru) Online Fri, 28 February 2025, 10:30 to 12:00
Bridging the scales: A Modeling Framework for the Marine Atmospheric Boundary Layer with Applications to Offshore Wind Energy Aditya Aiyer (Lehigh University, United States) Emmy Noether Seminar Room Mon, 13 January 2025, 11:30 to 13:00
Is the monsoon a dynamical or thermodynamical system? Chetankumar Adappa Jalihal (Max Planck Institute for Meteorology, Hamburg, Germany) Emmy Noether Seminar Room Wed, 30 October 2024, 15:30 to 17:00
Channel flow stability: influence of dust particles and geometry Anup Kumar (ICTS-TIFR, Bengaluru) Madhava Lecture Hall Wed, 09 October 2024, 11:00 to 12:30
Forces and flows in soft systems Bhargav Rallabandi (University of California, Riverside, USA) Emmy Noether Seminar Room Fri, 13 September 2024, 11:30 to 13:00
Investigation of Subcritical Turbulence Through First-Principle Methods Suruj Jyoti Kalita (Institute for Plasma Research, HBNI, Gandhinagar) Online Wed, 11 September 2024, 14:30 to 15:30
Intraseasonal variability and the abrupt seasonal transition in the boundary layer during monsoons Rajat Masiwal (Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru) Feynman Lecture Hall Fri, 23 August 2024, 11:30 to 13:00
Stability Analysis of Shallow Water equations Mukesh Singh Raghav (ICTS-TIFR, Bengaluru) Online Mon, 12 August 2024, 14:00 to 15:30
Inertial particles in unsteady hydrodynamic environments: theory & numerics Divya Jaganathan (ICTS-TIFR, Bengaluru) Emmy Noether Seminar Room Wed, 24 July 2024, 15:00 to 16:00
Lagrangian intermittency and vertical confinement of tracers in stratified turbulence Arun Kumar Varanasi (ICTS-TIFR, Bengaluru) Online Mon, 22 July 2024, 11:00 to 12:30
