In this talk we introduce a recently developed formalism based on a time-dependent wavefunction ansatz to study the dynamics of interactions among a small number of propagating photons in a one dimensional (1D) waveguide. The required nonlinearity for the photons to interact is provided by the two-level quantum emitters embedded in the waveguide. We show that for a large number of emitters, substantial photon-photon interaction can be generated even for weak individual coupling of the emitters with the waveguide. As a crucial application of our formalism we model the filtering of two-photon components, an experimental requirement for enhancing single photon purity of a twolevel source like a quantum dot. Modelling such filtering via quantum regression is next to impossible owing to evaluation of four point correlation functions in time. Furthermore, we use our formalism to study two-photon emission from a system of N -emitters, chirally coupled to a 1D waveguide and driven well below saturation. We also introduce an asymptotic theory to analytically compare with our simulation results based on the wavefunction ansatz for such chiral systems.
Sumanta Kumar Das (Niels Bohr Institute, Copenhagen, Denmark)
Date & Time
Mon, 15 April 2019, 11:00 to 12:00
Emmy Noether Seminar Room, ICTS Campus, Bangalore