To understand the structuring and dynamics of the low density layers of the solar atmosphere (known as the solar chromosphere), we need to improve and extend the existing numerical radiation magnetohydrodynamical (MHD) simulations. In the solar chromosphere, radiative energy transport is dominated by only the strongest spectral lines formed due to scattering and for these lines, the approximation of local thermo-dynamic equilibrium (LTE) is known to be very inaccurate, and a state of equilibrium cannot be assumed in general. To this end we have developed a non-LTE non-equilibrium radiative transfer module to the MHD code MURaM (Voegler et al. 2005) introducing a new numerical method to solve this highly non-linear system of MHD and the radiative quantities self-consistently and iteratively, in a time-implicit way. In this seminar, I will present this work (Anusha et al. 2021).
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